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I'm scared to whisper the words,

Petrified of what others would think,

If they found out what I hold in,

They'd leave me as fast as a blink


I sink,

Deeper in forced happiness,

It hurts too much to smile,

Because you keep saying I'm beautiful,

While I swallow down the bile.


A pile,

Of shit is how I feel,

I'm not good enough,

I cry at night just to get some sleep,

A confident idiot is my bluff.


So stuff,

Every nice thought you had of me,

In the darkest corner of your mind,

See me for the nothing I am,

Not someone sweet or kind.


Can't find,

A reason to reach out anymore,

I can't get out of my head,

I hurt others and make the worry,

About the mess I made but I'll lay in my bed.



Should I leave you all in peace,

Your world spun before me so it will after,

Don't pretend to need me please,

You deserve a friend filled with laughter.


No rafter,

Can hold up the roof that's crumbling down,

My shelter pitched around my heart isn't stable,

I'm sorry I couldn't be better like before,

I'm stupid and just not capable.


I can't stand it anymore.


*sighs* um...yeah..

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