Old "Friends" and New Ones

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   WARNING: This chapter will contain sexual content!!!

   Lance has been at VA (Voltron Academy) for a week, and he was making Keith want to kill him. Pidge began to talk to Lance more and Hunk as well. Keith preferred to stay away when they were around. Pidge still talked to Keith, but suddenly not as much as before. At first, Keith didn't mind. Then after a full day of not talking to anyone but himself, he began to care. The Cuban boy would try to talk to him in class and would get jumped on by Iverson. Keith managed to go to his locker only when lance wasn't around. Keith sighed as he continued his walk home. For the first time in a long time he was alone. Shiro was working, Pidge went out with Hunk and the new annoyance. Keith was totally alone. Footsteps were heard behind him and he quickly turned around to face the one person he did not need to deal with right now. The son of Galra Academy (GA). Lotor. The taller boy had ice blue eyes and bleach blonde hair that almost looked white. Lotor smirked as he slowly walked up to Keith. "What do you want." Keith spat. His outward appearance showed annoyance and fearlessness, but Keith was truly terrified at this moment. Keith had been bullied by Lotor his entire life. It finally stopped in high school because of the school separations. Not only that, but Pidge was usually there with him. He knew how to fight, but no matter what he did Lotor could counter it. Lotor could always one up him. Lotor chuckled a bit as he got closer to Keith. 

"I saw your little friend with a couple of boys at some bowling place. She seemed to be having a good time." 

Keith just stared at him.

"She seems to have forgotten about you. Then again, your very forgettable. But don't worry, I wont forget you." 

As he spoke he backed Keith to a lamp post, then pinning him there. Keith began shaking. He had no idea what to do. Lotor tilted Keith's chin up, forcing him to make eye contact. Lotor smirked. "Poor little boy. All alone. No one to love him. How terribly sad." The taller boy said as he leaned closer to the smaller one's face. "You can't find love the way you are, you'll always be a sad, pathetic, unwanted, little boy." As Lotor spoke, Keith began to feel Lotor's hand climbing up his shirt. Keith tried to run, but in seconds he was on the ground. "What's the matter?" Lotor chuckled. "You said you liked me didn't you? Are your feelings so faulty?"

 Lotor had followed him, chasing him. Keith became panicked. The year before high school. Suddenly Keith was pinned to a wall. Lotor grinned as he pulled back his fist, ready to punch the smaller boy's lights out. "W-WAIT!" Keith yelled. He had a plan, it would get him out...hopefully. Lotor looked inpatient at the boy in front of him. "I...Uh...I mean...-" Lotor growled and re positioned his fist. "I LIKE YOU!" Keith blurted out. Sure it may not have been true, but it worked. As shock and confusion flashed over Lotor's face, Keith kicked him hard in the gut and ran.

  Keith squirmed under Lotor. He knew Lotor knew it wasn't true, he was just reminding Keith of the rumors that went around after that. They silenced, but could easily be re-opened. Lotor smirked as he unbuttoned Keith's pants. Tears threatened to fall as Keith tried to struggle free of the taller one's grip. 'Weakling' Keith heard in his head. Lotor slid his hand into Keith's Pants, the warmth immediately halting Keith's struggles as a tear rolled down his face. Lotor slowly began grinding the palm of his hand against Keith's member through his underwear. Keith Tried and failed to hold back a small moan. A few more tears slid down Keith's face as more small moans escaped him mouth. He hated but loved the feeling. "S-stop!" Keith choked out. Lotor leaned closer to Keith's face. "Why?" He whispered. "You seem to be enjoying it." He said, grinding harder on Keith's now hard member. Keith let out a small noise, then biting his lip to stop himself from making more. Lotor chuckled. There was a sound, no, footsteps. Someone's shadow cast into the small area where Lotor was on top of Keith. "The footsteps stopped. "Hey!" Came a familiar voice. Keith couldn't place it. He recognized it strongly though. "Get off of him you bastard!" Suddenly Lotor was off of Keith and standing, towering above the voices owner. 'Think!' Keith yelled at himself. "What the hell were you doing to Mu-Ah I mean Keith!" It clicked. Lance. Lotor scoffed and began walking away. "Next time," Lotor says with a smirk in his voice, "I will not be interrupted." Lance looks as if he's going to go after the taller male, then looks back to Keith. Keith is now sitting on the ground. A few stray tears fall free. His eyes are shaded by his bangs. His breath is heavy. Lance walks over to him quickly and kneels next to him. "Yo, Mullet, you okay man?" He says, worry laced in his voice."I'm fine." Keith quickly snapped as he stood. Although a bit to quickly because he almost toppled over. Luckily, Lance caught him. Keith quickly stood up, not making eye contact with Lance. "Want me to-" Lance began, but was cut off by "I'm fine!" Lance backed up a bit. "If you say so." Keith took no time in quickly heading towards his house, slamming and locking the door once he was in, and letting a few more tears fall from his eyes.

~Hi! This is a really long chapter... but anyway, I want to, continue this of course, but also start another fanfic! Please leave what you guys want to see in the comments!!!

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