Beach Party

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"Henry, slow down or I'll break an ankle trying to keep up with you," we both laughed.

"Okay, I can slow down now." He teased.

"Yes, of course we can - we're entering Granny's now." I don't think I've ever known someone like this kid. I thoroughly enjoyed being with him. I walked up to the counter, "two hot chocolates to go please."

"With cinnamon!" Henry piped in. "Have you ever tried it that way, Auntie Rumby?"

"Well, no. But I've never tried hot chocolate before."

"Make sure you always get it with cinnamon," he smiled "it tastes the best that way."

"Okay, Henry. If you say so it must be true." I felt as if I had a permanent smile on my face. I've never been this amused before. I payed with the money Papa gave me and turned to go.

But, instead of going through a door, I ran right into a man. My cup flew out of my hand and the man grabbed it with one hand as he grabbed my waist - to prevent me from falling - with the other.

I don't know if it was because he saved me and my hot chocolate or because of his gorgeous eyes but all I could think is - wow, he's so handsome.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a smile and a slight look of concern.

I felt like I was going to melt underneath his gaze. I could feel my cheeks start to flush and I went to steady myself. Wait... he asked me a question.

"Uh! I'm Umbrella," I spat out quickly. Wait, what did I just say? "Uh, I mean... um-

"She's Rumbella. She's new here and I'm showing her around." Henry rolled his eyes at me. He took the hot chocolate from the hot man. "Thanks for helping her."

Henry grabbed my hand and began to lead me out of the store.

"Thanks!" I said quickly and smiled. Oh, I am so awkward.

"No problem," he smiled. "I hope to see you around."

I nodded to him. "That would be nice."

That would be oh so very nice!

With that Henry and I left Granny's and began walking to the beach. "Henry-

"If you're going to ask me who that was then don't expect an answer," Henry jeered "this is Mission Fairy Happy not Mission Fairy Romance."

Perhaps it isn't today but considering that handsome man is in town it may just need to be the mission tomorrow.

"Romance!?" I laughed trying to hide my crush "no, no, no. I just wanted to - uhm- know the name of that man who helped me."

Henry rolled his eyes at me again. "You can't fool me. You looked at him the same way my mom looks at my step-dad, how Grammy Belle looks at Gramdpa Rump, how a lot of people I know look at each other. And this is fun beach time, not ooey-gooey looky time."

"My mum wouldn't be happy if she heard you calling her 'Grammy.'" I laughed. I sipped my hot chocolate, "mmm - oh, Henry! This is delicious!"

"It's the best in town - but don't tell my mom I said that!" It seemed today would be non-stop laughs and jokes. Henry told me stories about his life. He told be about himself and his dreams. He told me about our family.

I began to wish this day would never end. Then I saw the beach, and I knew I could happily spend an eternity here.

"This. Is. Amazing." I exclaimed. "The water - it just keeps stretching on and on!"

"We'll be able to go out on it later, in Killian's boat." He smiled, obviously pleased with my excitement.

"Sounds amazing, Henry. What do we do until then?" First time drinking hot chocolate, first time on the beach - this day is so very memorable.

"We're going to play in the ocean!" He exclaimed as if to reveal a marvelous present. "I made sure Rumple packed you a swimsuit - you'll want to wear that."

Hm, okay, sure... why not?
"How do you play with an ocean?"

Henry thought that was hilarious. "You don't play with the ocean - we aren't water benders from Avatar. We are playing in the ocean – I have a beach ball, some squirt guns, and the like. It'll be fun! Trust me."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Henry led us to the changing rooms. Once I went into the changing room, I dug through my bag to see what kind of suit my dear papa packed me.

It was a deep blue one piece with long sleeves and a skirt that covered my hips. Oh, Papa. I laughed but put it on. It fit like a glove and complimented my skin tone. I turned around a couple of times to see what it looked like front and back. Not bad - I look fairly classy! I placed my bag in some lockers inside of the changing room.

When I came out, I saw Henry waiting for me. "What took so long?" He joked. "C'mon - it's already 10:45 am and lunch is at 1:00 pm."

"Let's race!" I said and sprinted towards the ocean.

"I'm going to beat you!" Henry shouted after me.

I highly doubt that!

I made it into the water at least a minute before him. I ran all the way until the water hit my waist. "What took so long?" I playfully chided Henry when he finally caught up.

"Well, you didn't have to run with the entertainment!" He said holding up the beach ball and water guns. The toys floated after he dropped them into the water.

I rolled my eyes, mimicking him. He grabbed his water gun and took fire. I grabbed mine and fired back. Within minutes we were both completely soaked.

After awhile we took a break to catch our breath. "Can you swim?"

"I've never tried to before. Do you want to teach me?"

"Maybe in a pool," Henry seemed a little distressed, "since you can't swim we should probably head to shore."

"I can touch here, Henry - don't worry!" I threw the beach ball at him. He grabbed it and threw it back.

I didn't catch it.

It's hard to do that when you're being dragged underwater.

Hi! It's the author, RumbellaGold.

If you like what I've written, please leave a nice comment and give a vote! Please feel free to ask questions and make suggestions for future chapters.

Read on, friends!

In the next chapter we will see if this ocean becomes Rumbella's watery grave or if a handsome hero comes to her rescue.

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