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It was Demi's thirteenth birthday; Lailani had suggested all of them go biking to the store for snacks. Kailas enjoyed it, though the entire time Cass was being annoying and loud, complaining or singing. It was still light by the time they got to the store, but slowly getting darker and darker, everyone picked out their drinks. Kailas wandered around; they had extra time because Arthur and Cass were looking around at the candy. Something caught his eye. Hanging on a rack by the back, was a silk scarf, it was wrapped a couple times around the metal hanger, its bright pattern standing out in the store that seemed to be sucked dry of color.

Kailas tugged at his pockets, he didn't exactly have money, and he hadn't been able to give Demi anything for his birthday. And while he could just use the money Lailani had given them, Demi might question why Kailas needed more money, or Kailas could just give up his drink...

Cass called for them to leave, and Kailas gripped the scarf. He didn't want to let it go. Though eventually he did. Demi smiled at him as they left the shop. Their hands brushed

"You okay?"

Kailas nodded, smiling back, despite the sickening feeling that was pulling at him to get back home.

They had made it back safely. Lailani ruffling his hair on his way in, making him flinch away, Demi caught his eye, and they seemed to repeat the same question from earlier.

'You okay?'

The four of them sat around Demi's room, gathering blankets and pillows from his bed and closet, as well as anything else that would work well for beds, because when you are sleeping over someone's house for a birthday, isn't it just common sense to sleep in the basement and not in actual beds? At least that's what Cass had told him when he asked.

Kailas helped Demi drag everything down. Laying out the couch cushions before the sheets then blankets and more pillows.

"Are you going to stay for breakfast tomorrow?" Demi asked, pulling the sheet over the cushion as Kailas held the other side. Kailas laid out his side, pulling the blanket so it reached the entire bed. He hummed, "probably not" he muttered, quieter then Demi had. He bit the inside of his cheek, turning to grab pillows. "Sorry" he whispered, turning around to see Demi frowning at the ground. "Kailas..." he started. "Is there, anything I can help with? Anything at home?"

Kailas inhaled. Waiting a solid seven seconds before exhaling. He picked at the pillow, shifting on his heels. Breathing became harder. "N-no..."

A couple more times throughout the night Demi tried to bring it up, though eventually, to Kailas's relief, he dropped it.

And like he said, Kailas left in the morning before breakfast. He tried to be quiet, sneak in like he always did when coming back from Demi's. But this time he wasn't as careful. His dad saw him coming in. Kailas still remembered how angry he was, angry to even see Kailas's face, angry that he was out. After a while of yelling, demanding where he was, Kailas gave up trying. He was trembling; his back was pressed against the wall, eyes wide in terror. His fists were balled up, nails biting into his palm getting warmer by the second, no doubt filled with blood at this point. His dad came at him, yelling, hands raised. He was inhuman.

Kailas couldn't remember what he was saying; even then he was to scared to hear clearly what was being said. His mother's name was mentioned a lot. Along with Kailas, and the words ' your fault '

The memory made Kailas shake. He remembered crying, yelling back at his dad. He was angry, which was a new feeling, and it terrified Kailas almost as much as his dad. He never wanted to turn into his dad, which was why he had a fear of showing emotion, mostly anger.

His dad raised his fist, and in one swift punch Kailas was on the ground, curling into himself as a foot connected with his stomach, his throat burning as stomach acid pushed up.

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