The letters

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That lady that had hope for you, mourned for you and grabbed your hand tightly.

She headed back to your room, where you told her to go if she didn't make it.

There on the desk were 4 individual letters, packed neatly into a pile hidden in the side table.

She picked them out one by one.

One of them was for her.

On the front of the envelope, was her name.

To Lisa,

I'm sorry I couldn't say your name, I take this regret with me.

I'm sorry that I didn't refuse to sign that surgery letter that one day. I take this regret with me.

I'm sorry that I ignored all the signs you were giving me.

I take that regret with me.

I appreciate everything you have done for me, cared for me and made sure I was in good shape.

I know we were only acquaintances, bit you have no idea how thankful I was to be taken care of by you.

You made me feel like I was under good conditions, that everything would be okay.

Everything was peaceful around you, and I enjoyed it while it lasted.

I didn't want it to end it this way, I really didn't.

I'm sorry that I didn't make it.
I'm sorry that I ignored those signs.
I'm sorry I ignored an angel that was trying to save me.

Thank you.

Lisa put the letter into her chest, head in her palms, crying a river.

"It's not your fault."

She cried.

"It's my fault for not telling you to not sign the surgery, that everything would have been okay if I just ordered a fucking cure."

She began to cry even harder.

Her turn was over, she knew what she had to do.

She opened her cellphone and called Lily's mother.

"Hello? Yes. I need you to come to the hospital, I have some news for you."

She closed her cellphone and wiped off her tears, then she looked around the room where her client once laid.

Even though she was full of grief, she was happy that she was thanked for what she did best.

She has never been so affected by a stranger before.

The door busts open and standing there is Lily's mother and Seven.

"No..... is she really?"

Her mother collapses to the ground. True pain comes from her tears and her sobs.

Seven leans on the wall with his head in his palm, covering his face as he silently cried.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

The room was blanketed in sorrow.

"She left these here for you.. Just to clear things up, she signed a contract for surgery to fix her disease, but it was most likely that she would pass away during so. She almost made it, but passed away from a violent seizure. Her last deep breath was at 12:47."

Lisa handed the notes to seven.

"I'm sorry for your loss, I'll allow you two to have privacy."

She locked the door behind her as she left the room.

The room was full of silence.

"I want you to open your letter first."

"Why seven? What's the point. I abused her when I was little, just like her father. She has nothing to thank me for. I'm a fucking failure. I did her wrong."

Seven is shocked by what she is saying, but proceeds to slide the letter under her hand.

"I'm sure she has something to thank you for, Lily was a nice girl. You raised a good child."

She looked up at seven and then at the note.

She began to open it.

Dear mum,

I know you're probably crying right now, being a depressed little shit, and I know you probably didn't want to hear from me right now and I know you probably didn't want to hear the news either.

I'm sorry for every argument we've had.

I'm sorry I never listened.

I'm sorry that even though you taught me wrong from right
I did you wrong.
I didn't even trust you in the end.

And I regret that.

And I'm sorry that I am not there to apologise in person and not give you a proper farewell.

You see, when I said that I was okay that day, I wanted to see your last smile, I wanted to hear your last laugh and I wanted to hear your voice for the very last time.

I didn't want to tell you about this surgery.

And I regret that.

I wanted to see your facials for the very last time.

And I promise you that I'll still see them even though I'm not there physically, but mentally.

Lastly, I want to thank you for everything you've done.

I want to thank you for being a mother.
I want to thank you for always being there.
I want to thank you for all the support.
I want to thank you for letting me see this world inside and out.
I thank god that I was your child.

I loved my life while it lasted.
And I'm glad you were in it.

You were the best thing that was always there for me.

From, Lily

Seven pats her on the back and tries to reassure her.

He didn't want to say anything just in case it caused more commotion.

So he began to open his letter.

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