The past

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Same old, same old. You're still sitting in the classroom even at lunch time. Amelia skipped school today so you're all alone.

707 seems to be with his friends too.


Even some rude prick can have more friends then someone nice and caring like me.

You close your eyes in disappointment.

There you read it, you wanted to cry but no tears came out, you wanted to scream but you couldn't, no matter how hard you tried.

Child Abuse.
"Where's your friend?"

You couldn't be bothered looking at who was talking to you.

"She skipped school, why does it matter to you?"

"You just looked lonely."

You turn your head around and find that it is one of 707's friends, Jason.

"Why aren't you hanging with 707?"

"707? Who's that?"

You look at him confused.

What does he mean by who's 707?

"No one, just leave me alone."

You pack up your bag and begin to leave the classroom with no looking back. Though, you stop as you hear Jason talk about what you just said.

"She said something like, why aren't you hanging with 707?"

I quickly walk to the door in front of me which has a window that I can look through to spy on them.

707 looked blank and he seemed to be the first one to reply.

He's so hot.

"No idea who that is."

What is going on?
Did he tell me to call him by a fake name?

"I'm going to get some food, I'll be back soon."

He's leaving and you needed to get out of the hallway as quick as you could. You didn't want to be caught eavesdropping, especially not by him.

You make your way down to the garden and sit yourself on a brick wall in front of a cherry blossom tree.

"I'm so fucking confused right now... what did he mean by who is 707? Like who the fuck do you think I'm talking about?"

You scratch your head in frustration while sipping on a juice box.

"You're great, just as forgetful as I am."

You look up and see 707 staring at you.

"So you found me huh?"

"Yes, for one thing."

"And that is?"

"You're not meant to address me as 707 in front of others."

"How was I supposed to know that if you didn't tell me?"

"It's my fault I know, but I'm still going to blame you because you're the woman."

You spit out your juice.


He laughs and tells you to take a joke.

"Hmph, so what am I supposed to call you then?"


He comes to sit down beside you so you move over your bag and dust off the leaves for him.

"So no one else knows you're 707?"


"Then why am I the only one who knows?"

He doesn't answer for a straight 5 seconds.

"I don't know. Just, it doesn't matter."

You give him a worried look forcing him an awkward laugh.

"So, I told you about my past, may I know about yours?"

You look down at your hands shaking.
Do you trust him enough?
He's dogged you many times, yet you take a leap of faith.

"I was abused as a kid, so much I was put into hospital. I lost my dad, he died in jail from heart and lung disease."

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

"No, you shouldn't be sorry. He deserved it."

"But you didn't."

You look up at him giving him the "the fuck are you on" look.

"I mean look at you, you get bullied by a guy who was a test subject and you don't do anything about it but curse at me."

"That's because I actually know people have feelings unlike you, you uncultured swine."

"I just do it to learn your different facials, they're interesting and cu-"

The bell rings.


"I have to go."


"I have to get somewhere fast, see ya."

You begin to pack up your bag getting ready for the next class.

"Fucking Cunt, can't even finish a word cause he has something important to go to? What a tease.."

5 minutes pass as you make haste to your history class, and before you know it, your dumb self is looking out the window thinking about irrelevant things instead of listening and improving your grades.

"Test subject huh.... and child abuse.. we're both teenagers that have been sculptured incorrectly. So imperfect."

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