"Christmas Tree?"

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Micah moved about his and Lucifer's bedroom, humming as he rearranged and cleaned the room, messy from their late night activities. The blush on his cheeks basically lived there full time now.

Lucifer leaned against the doorway, listening to Micah hum before sneaking up behind the small boy, grabbing him around the waist. Micah let out a small yelp before realizing who it was, and leaning into Lucifer's back. Lucifer leaned over to look at Micah's face. "What are you singing? It's different from usual."

Micah blinked. "They're... Christmas carols. Have you never heard them before?"

"Usually I avoid anything with the word 'Christ' in it, for religious reasons."

"O-oh... I'm sorry, do you not like them?" Micah looked worried.

"Well, I don't mind them." Lucifer turned Micah around, gripping his chin between his thumb and index finger. "Especially since they give me a chance to hear your sweet voice outside the bed."

The blush on Micah's face deepened. Lucifer thought for a moment. "But... What is 'Christmas?'"

"Christmas..." Micah thought about the consequences of telling Lucifer he was singing songs that celebrated the birth of Christ. But even if he didn't want to say, he wasn't in any position not to. "Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ."

Lucifer frowned, but Micah knew he wasn't angry. It was his thinking face, after all. "Christ... Ah, yes, God's 'favorite son.' He says all people are his children, but then how is Christ his 'one and only son?' And you never see carols sung about anyone else's birthday. Just the same repetitive 'birthday  song'. This is his way of showing favouritism."

Lucifer huffed, and Micah stood, shocked, before he burst out laughing. Before, he'd been horrified by the rude remarks Lucifer made against God, but he'd learned two things since being married to Lucifer. One; Lucifer makes rude remarks against everyone (Except him, Lucifer says). And two; Though many worship him, God isn't Lucifer's favorite person (Lucifer claims there are a lot of reasons why, one of them involving bingo and a lot of cheating).

"How is Christmas different from any other birthday, besides the carols?" Lucifer stared at Micah curiously.

Micah thought. "Well, everyone puts up a big Christmas  tree, decorated with ornaments and lights, and they put a star on top. Then people buy one another gifts, wrap them, and put them under the tree. And, on Christmas Eve, Santa leaves many more presents under the tree."

Micah could have gone on and on about his favorite holiday, even talking about his own traditions with Seth and his parents, but Lucifer looked lost and confused, like Cerberus does when he loses a bone (usually to one of his other heads).

"Christmas tree?" Lucifer pondered.

"Usually a pine or a fir tree," Micah explained. "You put it up in the house, decorate it, then leave gifts for anyone you'd like under it. You wrap the gifts so they can't see them, and everyone opens their gifts on Christmas day."

Lucifer scowled. "This is the most convoluted holiday ever. Why isn't there a Luciferday, to celebrate my birthday, where everyone goes around kicking each other? That's much more simplistic than Christmas."

Micah shrugged, but before he could say anything, Lucifer continued. "And why any specific tree? Why a tree at all? Why not a house plant? And who is this 'Santa' guy?"

"Santa comes on Christmas Eve to every house on Earth, leaving gifts for good boys and girls under the tree. He also fills their stocking with presents."

Lucifer shook his head. "Stockings? Trees? Santa? Are you sure this holiday is even real?"

Micah smiled. "Of course. It's one of my favorite holidays. And it's not just about trees and Santa and gifts. Christmas is the time for family to get together and be thankful."

"Because Thanksgiving wasn't enough?"

Micah sighed. "I guess you have to experience it to understand." Leaning up, he wrapped his arms around Lucifer's neck, pulling Lucifer's face down to meet his in a kiss. "I'm going to the garden."

Lucifer watched him go before sighing. Sitting on the bed, he thought for a moment. "Azazel."

Almost immediately, Lucifer's trusted right hand was at his side. "My Lord," Azazel bowed. "How may I help?"

"Where might I obtain a fir tree?"


A loud crash awoke Micah the next morning. He shot up, listening for the sound once more. Instead, he heard a lot of muffled yelling, followed by many murmurs and lots of commotion. Moving out of bed, he gingerly headed to the door, opening it to peek outside when he was stopped by Azazel, who held out his arm. "I'm afraid I am not allowed to let you out of there, my Queen."

Micah tilted his head. "Why not?"

Azazel's face remained passive. "I am not allowed to say."

"By whose command?"

Azazel raised an eyebrow. "Lord Lucifer's. I am loyal to no one else."

"Not even me?"

Azazel's lip twitched. "I am loyal to you only by the command of Lord Lucifer."

Sighing, Micah shook his head. This was getting him nowhere. "Can I at least ask what the crash was?"

After Azazel shook his head, Micah gave up, slinking back into his room, sitting down on the bed. What could they possibly be doing out there?


"Micah... Micah!"

Micah shot up from the bed, looking around. Lucifer stared at him intently at the end of the bed. Sighing, Micah stretched and yawned, unaware of when he'd fallen asleep. "Lucifer... What is it?"

"I have something to show you."

Before Micah could respond, Lucifer pulled him up into his arms, rushing him downstairs. "Lucifer! What-"

Micah stopped, staring around at the newly transformed living room. Lights had been hung around the walls, and a giant fir tree stood, looming over them from the corner of the room. Demons flew around the top of the thirty-foot tree, decorating it with skulls, teeth, and many other unnameable objects. Lucifer beamed, looking up at the tree. "I had to expand the ceiling a bit for the tree to fit, but I like it. Though, I don't think humans can just make their ceilings taller at will, so I don't see how Christmas trees are possible on Earth."

"They... They use much smaller trees..." Micah stared in awe at the scene, glancing all around the room in wonder. Under the tree, poorly wrapped objects were scattered. Even some unwrapped gifts sat there, all labeled in various demonic languages. "Why-"

"For you," Lucifer said simply. "And for me, too. Since you said I wouldn't be able to understand unless I experienced it."

Micah smiled, leaning against the king of Hell's chest, reaching up and standing on his toes to wrap his arms around Lucifer's neck. Lucifer obligingly leaned down, putting his own hands around his queen's waist. "Thank you, Lucifer." 

Lucifer nodded. When they pulled away, Lucifer had a mischievous look on his face. "By the way," He reached behind him. "While researching Christmas customs, I came across a nice little gem."

Micah tilted his head as Lucifer pulled something out from his back, blushing when he realized what it was. Lucifer held the mistletoe over their head, leaning closer while shutting his eyes. Micah blushed harder, but leaned up, placing his lips against Lucifer's. Dropping the mistletoe, Lucifer leaned down more, grabbing Micah's waist as his tongue slid past Micah's lips, swallowing the small, surprised gasp. 

Lucifer pulled back after a few minutes, grinning at Micah's expression. "You know, Christmas isn't so bad after all."

Of course, when every demon in the room demanded a mistletoe kiss from their queen, Lucifer wasn't as pleased with the holiday.

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