Chapter Eleven

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Elainas POV

Becca held tightly to me as I stayed cuddled into her side. "How are you going to protect her? He's a hybrid!" Damian shouted making me cuddle against her even more. Anymore the only time I feel safe is when I'm at Becca's side. "There are many ways. A few of the most effective would involve her never seeing any of you for a few decades. And one of which would involve a lot of magic. The kind I can't do unless someone helps me unlock my magic that was bound when I became a vampire."

"I'll help but only to protect Elaina." Bonnie stated and Becca nodded at her. "After my magic is unlocked I can put a spell on Elaina and I to hide us from all forms of magic. We of course would have to leave here till my family thought we would leave for good. Plus I'll have to compel everyone here to forget about all this and to think I had kidnapped Elaina. Once it's safe we would possibly return and I'd bring back your memories."

I could tell that their was more to Becca's plan that she wasn't letting the others in on. And I think it's that she will have to turn me just in case Klaus finds us. Though eventually she was going to have to turn me if we decided we wanted to be together forever.

"What?! No!" Damian growled and I got up getting everyone's attention. "I think this is for the best guys. You will all be safe as well. Plus I need to think of Jeremy and Jenna, if I'm here Klaus will us them against me. I'm going with her and that's final." I stated and everyone eventually got on board.

The next few days we went to school and back to her place. She ended up getting Kol on our side and he moved in. By the weekend Bonnie and Becca where ready to get the plan started.

While they worked on the spell I was escorted home by Kol so I could pack and say goodbye. Going up to my room I only grabbed my diary and a few pictures from when my parents where alive. Going to the kitchen I saw Alaric, Jenna, and Jeremy eating and joking around. Staying in the shadows I decided not to say anything and quietly left with Kol.

When we arrived back at Becca's Kol made me stay in the car. "I'll go get here then we will leave." Quickly going in he soon returned with Becca following but she looked different. Her hair was more golden and her once sky blue eyes are now electric blue.

Getting in the drivers side she grabbed one of my hands after starting the car, after Kol got in she sped off. "Elaina now that we are leaving you need to know there is more to the plan. I'm going to have to-" I cut her off. "I know Becca, when you where talking with everyone about what you would have to do I could tell you where holding this back. It's okay Becca." After that the car remained silent till we reached Ohio where we dropped off Kol. We kept going only stopping to fuel up and eat.

After two days we reached Maine, Becca had purchased a nice little house on the boarder of Canada and America. It was four bedroom, two bathroom, small kitchen, average sized living room, and large fenced in back yard. The front yard had a white picket fence, beautiful lane, bushes around the large porch that has rocking chairs. The outside was white with blue window panels and all the windows are tinted slightly.

The inside was mostly sky blue walls, wood floors, and white ceilings for the kitchen, living room, and bathrooms. The three quest rooms are all the same but the master bedroom was amazing. Lavender walls, white ceiling, and black carpet as soft as the bed. The sheets are black, the comforter is dark purple, and all the pillows are black with white floral patterns. The closet was a fully stocked walk in.

After exploring I went to the living room to see Becca setting on a couch staring at the wall. She's probably worrying about me again. "Hey." I greeted her after setting by her then cuddled into her side. "Hello Love."

"Don't worry about me, I know you care for me and that's why. But just relax for a while. You have already cast the spell and we can deal with the rest in the morning. Okay?" I asked knowing she needs to turn me sooner then later. "Okay."

We went to bed early after I had dinner and she fed.

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