Chapter Five

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Elainas POV

Once I reached the grill I went in to see Becca was already waiting for me at a two person table by a window. She was stunning. Walking over I suddenly felt very self conscious about how I'm dressed. She looks like a goddess while I look like I threw on random crap with no thought at all.

When our eyes met she smiled so brightly at me all my fears melted away. Taking the seat in front of her I smiled back. "Hey Becca, you look amazing." I stated. "Thank you. And I have to say you look gorgeous." She comments taking one of my hands in one of hers making me blush. "Thank you Becca."

Our server came over shortly after I sat with Becca and handed us our menus then asked what we wanted to drink. She gave a disgusted look at our intertwined hands making me feel self conscious again. "Um I'd like a medium sweet tea please." I asked then looked down at my menu. "And you?" She asked Becca sounding like having to talk with us just ruined her entire day.

"Well I'd like a coffee and for you to lose that fucking tone when addressing my girlfriend and I. Okay?" She said and our server quickly apologized then ran off to get our drinks. I sent a small thankful smile to Becca and she squeezed my hand gently giving me a smile as well.

A few minutes later our server returned and gave us our drinks and asked if we where ready to order looking at Becca carefully. "I'll have a large grilled chicken salad. Elaina?" Becca gently squeezed my hand for support. "Um I'll have a single with everything but onions with cheese fries on the side." I said then we handed over our menus.

When she left Becca squeezed my hand again and we then started talking. "So what made you move to this small little town?" I asked curious. "Well I used to live here with my family several years ago, I wanted to visit to see what it's like now. I'm actually only staying till I graduate high school. I'm a junior."

"I'm a junior this year too. I'm actually planning to attend college with two of my friends in the next town over. Not sure for what just yet." She laughed making me smile even more as my tension just melted away from earlier. "Well I have no college plans at all yet. Maybe later on I'll figure it out." We talked a little more till our food arrived. Mainly about small stuff like our favorite color, tv shows we watch, etc.

Once we finished eating we ordered milkshakes, we both got large strawberry milkshakes with extra whipped cream. She ended up paying even though I tried to pay for my food. "I'll get this and you can pay next time, well only if I'm not at the table when the check comes love."

Smiling I took her hand as we left the restaurant and she had me get in her car. Apparently we are going to a park to watch the sunset while we are surrounded by nature. Since it's only seven fifty when we arrived we go for a walk on one of the shorter paths. By the time we made it to the end we went and sat by the lake and leaned against each other as we watched the sun that was starting to set.

"Today was great love, I'm so happy we got to know each other better. Do you want to come over tomorrow and watch tv or something?" Becca asked awkwardly. "I would love to. What time she I be at your place?"

"Around one would be good, that way I can cook you lunch." She said intertwining our arms as we walked back to her car. "That would be great. I can't stay long because we have school the next day."

Love of a Lifetime Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz