Chapter Three

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Elaina POV

When I arrived home Jenna and Jeremy asked where I ended up last night. Apparently the party was busted by the cops after Becca and I left.

"I made a new friend and she invited me to stay the night at her house. She's really nice and we ended up getting along great." I said blushing slightly. Jeremy just went to his room and Jenna smirked at me with a knowing look. "Did you get her number. And it's obvious you did more then sleep." She winked at me making me blush more. "Jenna!" I whined covering my face that has turned red. "So? Did you?"

"Yes." I said then removed my hands. "I knew it! Alaric owes me ten bucks." She said wiping out her phone and dialing so I decided to head up to my bed room. Once there I see Stephan laying on my bed and Damian setting by my window as Caroline and Bonnie sat by each other by my bed. "Uh hey guys." I greeted waving awkwardly at them as all heads turned to me.

"So whose Becca?" Damian asked having obviously listened in on my conversation down stairs. "A new friend, maybe my girlfriend if we get closer." I stated walking to my closet and pulling out a pair of jean shorts and a black T-shirt. "I'm actually going to call her later and ask if she wants to hang out." I stated before going to the bathroom to change out of my black dress that I wore to the party last night. When I got back to my room Damian and the girls where gone. That left Stephan who was now looking out my window.

"I know you gave me back the necklace last night when you ended things between us but take this." He said turning to me while holding a box. He sat it on my desk then vamp sped away before I could protest. I went to my desk and and opened the box to reveal a ring and tree of life locket necklace. A note was also in the box.

Dear Elaina,

The ring and necklace both have been dipped in liquid Vervain and the locket is glued shut but contains a part of the vervain plant. They will protect you. I'll always be here for you as a friend.


Smiling I put the necklace on then the ring on one of my middle fingers since it's to big for my ring finger. Smiling I grabbed my phone and texted Becca asking if she wanted to meet at the grill later this evening.

Elaina: Hey I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me at the Mystic Grill sometime this evening. Let me know if your interested.

After a few seconds it popped up she was typing and I soon got a reply.

Becca: I would love to spend time with you. Is it a date or just a friend thing?

Smiling I messaged back feeling a blush starting to appear on my face.

Elaina: Which would you prefer? I'm fine with either I guess. I mean as long as I get to spend time with you.

Becca: A date. I have to admit I'd like us to be more then friends.

Elaina: I'd like that as well. Is six okay with you?

Becca: Yeah. We can have an early dinner then possibly go to a movie or something?

Elaina: That would be great! See you at six.

Becca: Bye Love.

Elaina: Bye.

Now I was completely red. After a while I calmed down, putting away my phone and ran down stairs to get something to drink but stopped in the kitchen door way seeing Alaric and Damian gossiping with Jenna.

"Hey honey!" Jenna greeted when they finally noticed me. "Hey. What are you guys doing?" I added now going to the fridge and grabbed an bottle of water. "Just talking about your new 'friend.'" Jenna snickered a little and I went red again.

"Well here's some new gossip. Becca and I are going on a date tonight. So don't wait up." I winked at them then ran upstairs giggling. I can't wait for tonight!

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