Love hurts (spamano)

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Spain POV

I am a perdente! And I screwed things up! I guess you are wondering how I ended up like this huh? Well it all started after I got home from work.

"Lovino I am home~"

"Where were you?"

"Work.... Why?"

"I have been home all by my self!" Romano shoves me to the couch.

"Sit sit..." I say and he sits.

I pull him close to me rapping my arm around him.

"Hey!" He says getting up.

"Lovino calm down."


"Lovi.... We are home alone.... Don't worry. No one is going to see. We are ok!"

He sighs and leans against the wall. I get up.

"You know I have something I need to tell you."

"Shoot." Said Romano.

"I-I-I um..... I-...... Te amo." I say quickly looking to the side blushing.

"Go on." He said raising a brow.

I walk up to him. "I have for ever...," I take his hand, "and I will forever."

He just stands there with no expression.

"You know what," I sigh, "j-just forget I said anything." I say walking to my room.

"Damn right I will. This was awkward."

"Do you even know how hard rejection is? Do you?!" I said turning around looking him in the eyes.

"DO YOU!?!"

'Woah woah hold up! See where I screwed thing up guys? Right here...' "DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW HARD REJECTION IS?" 'Yah... There... Not the best idea Spain.... *slaps self* I am an idiota!'

"I FELT THIS PAIN BEFORE AND NOW I AM SUFFERING IT AGAIN!" I yell pulling him by the collar of his shirt. I put my fist up and he flinches.

"You know what?" I said puttin him down. I lower my head so he couldn't see the tears form in my eyes. "I am a perdente. I am just a loser who wants attention. I sicken myself." I said dropping Romano and putting my fist down.

"I need air... I going outside for a smoke." I said walking outside. I take the cigarettes out and place one in my mouth and light it. I inhale the smoke and breathe it out.

"Idiot!" I slam my head on the wall. I lean on it and look into the night sky.

"This was the worst idea Spain! Why did you listen to your heart! Idiota!" I see the stary sky and just let my mind wander.

Romano POV

IDIOT!!! Why didn't you say something!?!?! You love him right?

No don't be stupid!

Am I? Am I the one holding myself back. Do I really like him?

No I can't!

Can I? Is it possible.... I remember grandpa Rome saying this one time in my life. 'If you love someone speak your mind.... Be yourself and don't be afraid to show emotions near them.'

Well damn them rules! I am a idiot! I didn't say anything! Was I s'pose to? Was I even in love?

No I can't.... It's Spain! He to

Happy, cocky.... But that's why i like him.

Wait what!?!?!

Quick name ways why I hate him.....

Shit! I can only think of the nice ways!

The way he walks, talks, looks, his ass, the way he loves me... But am I ready to say it back? Do I really deep down love him....

I am the bad guy here aren't I....

Why do I feel funny near him.... Why do I love him!?!?!

I need to smoke.

I walk out front forgetting he is thee and I light a cigarette.

"Need a smoke too?" He says in the shadows. It made me jump.

"God dammit Spain! You scared me!"

"You know... It pains me to see you reject love lovi." He says flat out staring into the stars.

'Shit he knows!'

"You know... You sound a lot like France when you say that." I chuckle

He chuckles in reply, "really?"


"Well..." He clears his throat, "bonjour I am France ze country of amore~," he pulls a rose from the bush we had in front, "'ow may I fuck you today." He says wit a smirk making me laugh.

He gasps, "my lovi is laughing!?! Where are the zombies!?!" He looks around making me laugh harder.

"I see one!" He yells pointing off into the darkness.

I laugh harder if that was possible.

He just chuckles and ruffles my hair hitting my curl. I stiffen.

"Romano? You ok?"

"Y- hng. Yah I am fine." He begin placing my hand in my pockets hiding the wood in my pocket.


"You know Spain.... I don't hate you either...."


"Ti amo you damn perdente." I say leaning to him. Kidding him on the lips. He tasted of smoke... I probably did too. He pushed me up onto the wall. Making us drop our cigarettes and he puts them out with his foot but doesn't let me go. He grinds on me in the kiss. I moan.

"Spain... We should go inside the neighbors might here us."

"Oh relax..." Just then a light in one

Of the houses next door went on.

"Shit." I whispered.

"Come one inside qui-"

"Hey! Antonio!"

"You have got to be kidding me!" He brings his arms down to his sides clenching his fists.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE JOSE! (Hoseh)" yelled Spain.

"What the hell are you doing with this man Antonio Fernandez Carreido!" Shouts this Jose guy.

"Just leave me and Romano alone!"


'Shit! Spain!'

"He is from southern Italy.... That's why I call him Romano... It's a pet name."

'Nice save.'

"Sí and I call him Spain or Toni from time to time." I try to make it beleviable.

"Ok and why are you out here?"

"Um... It's our porch... Duh!" I say.

"Kissing?" He adds.

"You know I don't like you! Neither does Antonio! So leave us alone you damn perdente!"

"You called me a perdente? I'll show you!"

"Yah... Says the man who sleeps with prosatutes!" I shout at him.


"Yah shocker... I own the mafia.... So I know everything... Now... SCRAM!" I yell.

He scurries off.

"I owe you one..."

"Don't mention it."

"How about we take everything inside.... Ok?"

"That sound fine." I reply. And we head in.

Love hurts (spamano)Where stories live. Discover now