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Things were getting better. It was taking time but surely, things were getting better. I was getting better.

Malakei and I, although we didn't see each other as much. We had a better connection now because of what happened that time in the forest. There was a mutual understanding between us that we shared on a spiritual level. Our friendship grows stronger by the day.

My friendship has started to rebuild itself with Tara and even my brother Bow. He's still annoying as hell but makes me smile and laugh.

My father-I haven't seen for a while now merely due to him constantly going off on trips and meetings with other nations within our sector. When he was home, Bow and I tried to spend as much time with him as we could. We even had a family dinner together with Ana. We all burst into laughter when we had a small birthday cake for Ana-due to it being her birthday-father accidentally got some frosting on his nose whilst eating. By the end of the night, he was chasing Ana around with frosting covered hands and smearing it on her face, with love of course. The night had turned into a food fight and that was the first night I actually felt at home. That I was truly part of the family my father had managed to create after my mother. Although he wasn't brought up and accustomed with the ways of an elf or even have the time with me or my mother for most of the years, he managed to adjust with someone else and find happiness through the grief and guilt. Creating Bow who I know is the pride of his life and if he had the choice, wouldn't change him or give him up for the world.

It's funny how things just seem to happen not entirely the way you had planned but find a balance somewhere in the midst, isn't it?

Raen and I have become closer too. Both emotionally and intimately. Although we haven't had sex yet, Raen still remains patient and constantly thrives to make me comfortable. We still do stuff together. Small things but I find that we are easing into our relationship better. He's just as loving as he always was but he still gets angry with me over small things and he's more shocked when I stand up to him because of it. He's still getting used to my sudden confidence I guess. I gained a lot of it over the year away.

Baja and I's bond has also strengthened. We communicate a lot mentally and I found that by connecting with her, it heals both our souls.

There's not a day that I don't think about Corrin and Malakei's words ring in my ear whenever I feel down. I remember why I'm here and why I'm doing this.

Everything was going fine here in the Dry Lands. Everyone was happy and I was beginning to smile again.

That's when we saw people from our camp screaming and running to their tents, an aura and look of fear over their faces as they came from the direction near the front of the camp, where the barricade was.

I looked at Malakei and Tara alert as they began to get up from where they sat on the ground. Grabbing their weapons, I did the same with my dagger, shoving it into my criss-cross as I followed behind. Sending a tight lipped look to Malakei as we ran in the direction.

We came to a halt all too quickly when we were in the clearing in front of the barricade. Dry Landers shoved past me and the others as they tried to get away. I looked up at what could have them so fearful and in a hurry when my eyes widened at the sight of the beasts in front of me.

"Fucking Gods." Tara whispered in shock as she looked up at the three figures dressed in white not too far from us but that wasn't what we were so gobsmacked about.

"What are those things?" Malakei whispered in both awe and worry. Knowing that they could be dangerous and stomp on him whole with just their foot.

"I don't know." I stated in awe as I stepped forward slightly to get a better look at the creatures before us. Eyes the size of my head. The three of them had different eye colours along with different textured scales. The three had riding gear on their backs and I noticed them lowering to the ground as they let their riders in white clothes to the ground.

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