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Two days went by after my encounter with my father giving his speech to his men. I couldn't say that time has healed the wounds since then because it hasn't.

Everyones on edge expecting a war at any time. Children and other beings that were too old or injured to fight were beginning to pack up their belongings as some started to leave the camp. I didn't know where they were going but I hoped it was somewhere safer than here. The image of crying and frightful woman and children leaving, some with only the clothes on their back as they left the camp. It was a depressing scene. One that we couldn't avoid.

Father didn't know much about this man from the Shadows but he described his appearance. That alone was enough to send chills down my back.

Father said he was young but held the mind of many years of wisdom. Maybe even decades. He dripped with a sense of power and darkness but the worst was his eyes.

An electric purple.

His eye colour confused me but at the same time made me curious. He was different nonetheless. What did he want with me?

I didn't stop to rest when I left my father afterwards because a certain witch was pulling me and Baja into her guest tent and making me explain everything to her. So I told her about the creature, the warning she gave me in my dreams. Hoping that anything would tie into the reason I was being singled out but why I am will never be known.

"They're looking for a mark." I say seriously and Vixen frowns, taking her eyes up from where she was reading from one of her spell books to look up at me.

"That could mean anything. It doesn't have to be physical either. It could be internal. A mark on the soul." She tries to ease my worry but I shake my head and stand up.

"Then why is this guy looking for me then? I didn't do-I don't have anything he needs. Let's not forget your sister killing me. Everyone is looking for me in order to kill me and I don't know why. You don't realise how frustrating it is." I hiss lowly in my frustration and Vixen drags a tired hand up her face. I can't help but scoff at this.

"I don't know why I'm even here in the first place." I shake my head in disbelief. "You're supposed to be the one with all the answers. It was you that reached out to me in the first place a year ago."

"Hold on, I didn't reach out to you. I didn't even know you existed until that calling so don't turn this around on me. I'm trying my best to figure this out like you but I am no God. Deal with it."

I bite my lip and choose to slump back down on my seat beside a patient Baja. As soon as I sit down beside her she is resting her head on my lap and laying a paw over my leg. I caress her paw and narrow my eyes at the witch who was back to looking at her book, coming closer to us as she does. I furrow my brows curiously.

"What are you doing anyways?" I question, all trace of frustration now gone as curiosity sets in.

"I'm trying to open the connection." She explains before lifting her head from the book to look down at me.

"I'm going to find whatever is tying you to the Shadows and block it. I think they're using it to find you."

My eyes widen at this as my heart begins to increase. Of course they would. They're smart beings that will do anything to get what they want. The connection however, I don't even know how I have a connection to them or just to someone..

"You have to cut it." I state with determination and she bites her lip. My face falls at her expression. Knowing something was wrong.

"I'll try but one wrong move and it can get messy Keylin. They could possess your mind and plague you with nightmares. Then you will be lost."

The Wet Divide ✔️ [TSS#2][BXB]Where stories live. Discover now