The Collision

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Music starts to play loudly with a distant beep.

You turn over rubbing your eyes, staring at your alarm clock. Is it worth it? You think to yourself.

"This really isn't worth it holy fuck, what am I going to learn about today? How to put a condom on a banana? How to cut down a fucking tree!? I swear I'm going to bloody kill-"

You hear a knock on your door and your mother enters your room looking all surprised.

"Bitch the fuck are you screaming at? Get your ass out that bed before you get beat."

Before she leaves the room, she looks back, innocent as ever with a soft smile.

Is she going to say something nice for once, she ain't gonna swear every second word?

"Breakfast is downstairs by the way honey."

Oh my god, I am shook. She didn't swear, she was kind, she didn't yell, she wasn't sexist or racist. It's a miracle! I've never been so proud of someone thank the fu-

7:00 Monday

Holy shit I'm gonna be late.

"This is bad nonono, if I'm late I'm going to make a fool of myself, everyone's gonna judge me, they gonna look at me like I'm weird. Oh my god. Lily you need to chill the fuck out."

As you try to reassure yourself, you put your hair in a cute messy bun and fix your adorable face and eyebrows -cause you know if you don't do that, you're gonna look like a turd when you get to school.

You grab your bag and run down the stairs, grab the toast that was on the table and say farewell to your mother.

"This is fucking fantastic, running to school, I'm gonna stink"

You look at the clock on your phone once again.


"Oh shit, I literally have 5 minutes and it's a 20 minute walk. Farewell my life, I want to die, I'm going to officially be judged and-"

You hit something incredibly hard and fall to the ground. You're stunned but you're still hyperventilating. Some real skill.

"Are you okay?"

You look up and see a tall slender man with your school uniform. His silky black hair flowed in the wind while he pushed his black glasses up to his clear blue eyes.

After a few seconds, you realise how stupid you are for not responding instantly.

"Y-yes, sorry. I'm in a rush and wasn't looking where I was going..."

He kneels down in front of you and gives you a soft sweet smile and raises his hand to your cheek.

You look at him, all flustered and embarrassed.

You once again come to realisation that you are a fucking idiot, you know that someone who looks this good is  going to be super fucking mean and a cunt.

He laughs at you and scowls.

"You're pathetic. You're going to be late at this rate, you get too distracted easily as well, klutz."

A car pulls up and before you could say anything, he disappeared.


You continue walking to school, taking more steps, still thinking about how nice he was and how sweet and cute he looked, until he fucking turned into some trolling lil fucker and tricked you.

You sigh as you finally arrive at the school gates. The bell has already rung and you're really late.

"Ah fuck I should've just stayed home.."

"Excuse me young lady"

You turn around shook, scared shitless.

It's just the principal prick, you calm yourself before talking.

"Yes sir um, you see, I kind of woke up late this morning and ended up in an accident just down the road causing me to be late. I'm so sorry."

He looks at you frowning and you give him an awkward as fuck smile.

"Yes whatever, you're in class 11A, I did you a favour an separated you from your best friend, have fun living in hell."

He started to skip away giggling.

"This... this is the second time I've been cunted today. How many cunts am I going to experience and meet.."

You turn back around and decide to walk back up to the school gates.

"Fuck this" you whisper under your breath.

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