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Knock knock

Who's there?

Update for

Update for who?

Update for you!

Made that up myself😂 Anyway plzzz read and comment. We wanna know your opinion.


Annas POV

My eyes were drooping since I just couldn't sleep last night, at all. Everything that happened the day before was replaying in my head. The way Harry hushed me, took me home, consoled me, kissed me and just him being there. It was still fresh in my head. I never imagined of receiving such a soft response from Harry out of all people. But again, who knows maybe it was a part of his game.

With all these thoughts, I headed to my first class. But I just couldn't concentrate. I mean he just kissed me yesterday. I know I pushed him away almost immediately but still, I just couldn't forget the taste of his lips.


My first two classes passed and now it was Literature, since it was Thursday I had literature third. I was dreading to face Harry. But there was no other choice. I had to do it. God please just help me.

I entered the class and saw Harry sitting at the front, so I simply kept my head down and went to the back. I don't think that he saw me. Shortly after our literature teacher, Mr.Hemsworth entered the class with a stack of papers.

"Good afternoon everyone", he greeted in his thick British accent. "Before we start, I have two names here. These two students bunked the class yeasterday. I know for a fact the weren't absent because I checked the morning attendance. These two disappeared somewhere after lunch. Well, intersting thing is one of them just joined the school this week", he said and my heart almost came out through my mouth. Oh God save me please!

"So stand up Ms. Anastasia Mathews and well one and only Mr. Harry Styles. So lets get this over with, detention for you two. And especially you Harry, attendance is mandatory. And listen both of you, if this happens again, principal's office is just down the hall. So be very carefyl", Mr.Hemsworth said making me cry in my head.

Me and Harry just kept standing for a minute before sir motioned us to sit down. Its just not fair. Why did it happen? I've never had a detention ever in my life. And to make it better Harry Styles will accompany me, how not pleasing.


Its the rule of life that time just slips through your fingers fastly, when you want it not to. Same is the case with me. The day ended in a blink of eye and now was I sitting in the detention room, with Harry two rows behind me and two unknown boys on the left corner. They looked like best friends, since they couldn't seem to stop blabbering about some new action movie that had recently seen.

"Well I've got to do some work so Harry and Anastasia go get the paint off of the walls in staff's meeting room. Whereas, Sam and Drake, you both go and clean the chemistry lab", Mr. Hemsworth said dismissively. I groaned internally. I mean its like a sappy love story of 80's in which we both lovers (surely) are sent in the same room to spend time together. But in reality we both might just end up in a hospital.

"Staff's meeting room is this way, you're going the wrong way Anna", Harry guided using my nickname for the first time. I hummed noticing I had started walking in the wrong direction. Moments later we enetered the room. There were these three little things made of metal, to remove the paint. Me and Harry each grabbed one and started the work.

When I was done with the lower half of the wall, I dragged a tall stool, so I could stand on it and do the upper half. Well, for a moment I forgot that I was on the stool and move forward. I let out a muffled scream, realizing that like Tom and Jerry I just couldn't walk in the air and then fall.

I closed my eyes and was ready to fall but a pair of srong, muscular arms caught me just in time. I opened my eyes and saw it was Harry. He was literally holding me. My hold body started tingling and i just froze. We stared into each other's eyes and it was as if the time had jusr stopped. But then something happened, he dropped me. (Just kidding)

He bent down and closed the gap between us. His soft, plump lips landed on mine. And my heart went wild, like it was going to break my rib cage. He started moving his lips against mine, and this time I didn't push back.

I kissed him back with so much passion and need. My stomach was twisting but I was lost in the kiss. Harry moved one hand to my cheek, while I wrapped my hand around his neck. It felt like I was in heaven. I just never wanted to stop. His lips tasted like pepper mint and I loved it.

Then slowly we broke apart and caught our breaths. He stood me up and gently tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, smiling softly at me. I returned the smile, but my heart was still not in its place.

"I-um- I want to talk to you, but not here. Why don't you meet me on Saturday. Right outside the school gate at about nine at night?", Harry asked shifting on his feet.

"Ok", my answer even surprised me. God! Why did I say that? I hated my big mouth right now. Harry smiled at my response nodding his head, going back to getting the paint off. Leaving me to regret on my answer.


So there you go dear people! Now vote, comment and well read😂

Until the next update, be patient😘

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