Chapter #1

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Anna's POV:
Ever since mom died, things haven't been on the string. 10 years. 10 years have passed and i still dread for her comfort, the way her warm hands would warp around me taking away all the worries.I still hold myself responsible for her death. I stood there completely zoned out while my drank dad smashed her head across the stairwell. My feet were froze to the ground and my mind evaluated the horrible things my dad was capable of.

"Hurry up Anna! Move your lazy ass and dont make me come to your room" my dad yelled from across the vacant house that once held the memories of my mom.
I quickly grabbed all the luggage and made my way downstairs before my dad's patience ran out. Every thing seemed  incomplete, so empty. As much as I loved this house, I'd never think of coming back to the place my mom died in.
I took a one last glance at our house and finally made my way to our old SUV.
The road to the airport was mostly silent other then the sound of the rain pouring on the windshield and the radio blasting the music, filled the uncomfortable silence. Whenever we traveled my dad would mostly be drunk, forgetting to wear his seatbelt. I would always be in constant fear, waiting for the moment the car would bump into something and finally take away my useless life. Unfortunately i survived once again, I sometimes fell like life wants to see me suffer and not grant me the eternal peace I've been longing for.
As we sat in the middle class waiting lounge, a voice filled the area announcing our departure to england in 15 minutes.
I gathered everything and made my way along with dad towards the airplane. We successfully made it through security because I feared my dad would be holding drugs of some sorts that could get us in some serious trouble. Luckily he didn't.

The flight to England was surprisingly pleasant. Everything was new to me since ive never left our little trailer park. The most distance I've covered was till my school. I watched everything in awe, the person sitting next to me would constantly give me glares questioning my observations. It was a 10 hour flight, I slept for 6 hours and when I woke up from my comfortable sleep, we were about to land. As i watched through the tiny windows of the plane, a different feeling rushed through my body. I finally felt free. I  don't know how but i just did.
The light london breeze made me shiver and wrap my arms tightly around myself. I rubbed my hands on my arms to create some warmth.
Currently i was sitting in the balcony of my room in our new house. This house was small but better than the one in America. Maybe because there were no dreadful memories yet.
It consisted of two bedrooms, a kitchen, basement, small storage room and a lounge.It was a double story house and i picked the one upstairs, just in case my dad came home drunk again, so I won't have to face him.
I was wondering how life would be here. New country, new city and most of all new school. Its not like i had many friends in my last school but it was familiar. I'm pretty worried about my first day of school after the weekend since it's Friday already.
I was absorbed in my own thoughts when my dad called me downstairs saying that dinner was ready. It was peculiar of my dad to say such a thing let alone call me by own name. Maybe it's about time he changes.
Before i knew my tiny feet rushed me downstairs which only resulted in me bumping into my dad who was leaning beside the staircase. Fear took over my body and before i could apologize i was rewarded with a punch on my right eye. I clutched it tightly as warm tears rolled down my eyes.
"What did i tell you about touching me huh? You know what? You are a bitch and i don't want your filthy hands on me, as for dinner i think you just had yours, so be a good girl and GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!", my dad finished his verbal assault, making me run back to my room. I quickly clutched my mom's picture to my chest and cried silently. I miss her so much.

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