Captain Swan: You Brought My Walls Down

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Set immediately after the season 3 finale, this is my take (and way of surviving the summer hiatus) on how Emma and Killian's relationship should grow. It's my first Captain Swan fanfic, so I hope you enjoy! Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, they all belong to abc!


Chapter 1: So It Begins (Emma P.O.V)

After my brother Neal's coronation party at Granny's, I was pretty much freaking out. I had no idea what I'd been thinking, bringing this woman back from the past! I had no idea what I'd been thinking, letting my walls down and kissing Killian! Though it felt better to accept that I did truly... Love him.

I couldn't even admit it to myself, but when I found out he traded his ship for me I knew in my heart that I could trust again. He wouldn't abandon me like Neal did. Neal didn't try to come back for me in jail, but Hook... Killian... He came back for me in New York and I loved him for it.

I kept thinking about the kiss and I had to remind myself that I had bigger problems than a possible boyfriend. I had a pissed off not so former evil queen to deal with.

Henry, Killian and I stayed back after everyone had left to help my parents clean up, until my mom decided to get Neal back to the apartment, taking Henry with her. "I'm gonna go too," David said with a smirk.

"Dad, no," I whispered so Killian couldn't hear, but he left anyway. I sighed and picked up a stack of plates, bringing them to the kitchen, not realizing I had a pirate right behind me until I turned around to turn the light in the kitchen on.

He smiled and I sighed, but blushed a bit too. "Hi," I said awkwardly. "Oh come on, love, not this again," he said, most likely referring to the awkwardness that existed between the two of us after I'd kissed him in Neverland.

"Fine," I said, putting the plates down, "What do want to talk about, Killian?" "I want to know if that meant anything," he said quietly, "I want to know if this time, it was more than just a kiss," he looked at me lovingly.

I met his gaze, but quickly looked down. "Y-yes. It was more... It was a thank you and an... I love... You..." I didn't dare look back up at him, to meet his eyes, to know if he was happy, shocked or grossed out, even though I doubted the latter.

I had no idea where that came from, but it was the truth. The walls I'd built up for so long had come tumbling down and I couldn't shut myself up. I was terrified. I ran past him, out of the kitchen and sat down at a booth.

Shortly, he came after me and sat down across from me. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly. I looked up at him, "Really?!? What's wrong?!? Regina's after me, I just ruined her relationship, and I'm... Starting one! I don't want her to hurt you!" I cried.

Killian smiled and took my left hand in his good one. "She won't. You don't want her to, and I've yet to see you fail," he said soothingly. I let a tear fall down my cheek and he wiped it away. He got up from the his seat and sat beside me.

I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed. "I really hope you're right. I can't keep losing people," I said. "Don't worry... Emma, if there's one thing I know it's that in the end, you'll win," I smiled slightly and looked up at him.

"You think so?" I asked. In answer, he softly kissed me. A slow, romantic kiss, much like the one we'd shared earlier. We stayed like that for several moments, until I stopped the kiss. "We should get going," I said.

He pouted childishly. I rolled my eyes with a smile and took his hand in mine. "Come on, we need to go," "But we're not done cleaning," he said. I waved my hand and all the plates and streamers that were left disappeared.

I looked at him and smiled. "Done," I said pulling him toward the door. He sighed and we left Granny's. "So," Killian said halfway back to the apartment, "Does this mean I win?" "You win? What?" I asked, confused. We were walking hand in hand down the dark street, and it was the first time since I was dating Neal that I felt truly happy with a man.

"Do I win the right to call you mine?" He laughed. I stopped walking sighed, pretending to think, smiled and said yes. The look on his face was hilarious in all honesty. Wonder, joy, shock, but above all else, love.

We continued to walk back to my parents' apartment. Before I went in and Killian went... Wherever he was staying, (I really needed to ask him about that) I thanked him for walking me home and hugged him tightly, and before he walked away, I said quietly so only he could hear me "I love you, Killian," he smiled, "I love you too, Emma," he replied, and as he walked away, I could've sworn I heard him whisper to himself "It's about bloody time,"


So there's chapter 1! I hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what you think so that I'll know whether or not to continue! I really appreciate feedback. Thanks for reading,


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