Chapter Twenty-seven

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"Hope you enjoyed your party yesterday ? " my new father asks, as I head for the door.

"Yes dad. I did, I really appreciate all you guys did. "

"Di-did you just call me Dad? "

I did and I'm really looking forward to my life. Instead of wasting time thinking about all the negatives, I have decided to embrace the positives.

"Yeah dad."

I pull him into an embrace leaving him shocked.

"Welcome to the family, Dad, " I say before I let the door close behind me.

"Thanks Christy, I'll try my best to be a good father, " he says.

Mevin's car is parked just in front of my house. He called earlier today, saying he had something to tell me.  Cathy is walking with Daniel, hands intertwined. Her gaze meets mine and we smile at each other before i head towards Mevin.

"Hey Christy. " He hugs me and places a chaste kiss on my cheeks.
"It's nice to see you again Mev. "

"Belle, I'm sorry you had to go through these complicated phases. you're okay right? Are you okay? "

"You have nothing to worry about. I can handle myself, I'm fine. "

He smiles and from the way he's fidgeting, I can tell that he's nervous about what he wants to say.

"What's up, Mev?"

"I saw you guys yesterday, you and Jerry. You looked really happy. I'm glad you are happy, Belle."

"You don't look so glad right now, " I tell him.

"Oh! Belle, I'm so sorry. I am really glad that you're happy. I just wish I were the one making you happy, " he says.

"I'm sorry, Mev. "

"No Belle, it isn't your fault. You know what they say, the heart wants what the heart wants. It's just hard, it's so hard Belle and that's why I'm moving. "

"What! You're moving? "

"Yeah Belle. I have to go away for a while. I'm changing school too. I'm making things easier for Shan and not so hurtful for me.  "

"You're leaving us? "

"I'd never leave you Belle, not in that manner. I mean if you ever want to talk to me or see me, all it takes is a phone call. I'll keep in touch, Belle. "

"Mevin, please don't go. "

"Belle please don't make this any harder than it already is. Do you remember when you told me that I should learn to say no to you sometime? "

I nod.

"I think sometime is now. I can't stay, Belle. I still love you, I really do but I have to do this."

"No! You can't just leave. You're the Star in Star Views High. You have a great chance of scholarship opportunities from school, you can't leave."

He smiles.

"Belle, it doesn't matter what part of the sky the stars appear on because they still end up shining bright. I'll do great from wherever I am."

I hug him. I don't want him to leave but I have to understand that he wants to.

"I'll miss you, Belle. "

"I'll miss you too. "

He kisses my forehead before he pulls away from our embrace.

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