Chapter Five

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I wake up at exactly 6 am with the help of my alarm of course. After awakening late yesterday, I didn't take the chance of going to bed without setting my alarm. As usual, my feet lazily drag my body to the bathroom. I take a shower and get dressed for school.

In the living room, I find a new magazine on the table. I steal a glance at it, it is populated with pictures of mom. It's high time she told me about her job.

"Morning little sister, do you care to join me for a ride today in Dan's car? "

Oh no! I think Cathy's sick.

"Did you bump your head or something Cathy? "

"Of course not little sister. I'm just in a good mood today."

Firstly, Cathy's just two years older than me so I'm not as little as she makes it seem.

Next, she seems really happy. She's smiling a lot which makes me feel kinda uncomfortable.

"No Cathy. I'll pass."

"Suit yourself, " she says as she smiles.

Mom drives me to school again. Today, I don't sit at the front seat. No words are exchanged between us during the journey.

Some of you might find that weird but your definition of weird Is normal for me.

As I alight from the car, I see Shan and Jeremy just about to enter the school gate.

"Shan! " I call out.

She starts walking towards me but Jeremy doesn't. He enters the school premises.

"I called to check on you yesterday ," I say after I hug Shan.

"Really, when? "

"Last night. Jeremy didn't tell you? "

"No not at all. "

He can't even pass information to his sister and he thinks I'm the stupid one?

Today lessons are better than they were yesterday. At least today I can hear the words in English.

During lunch, I don't see Jeremy. Not that I was looking for him or anything like that, I just didn't notice his presence.

it's after lessons that I notice his presence. He's walking out of the school hall looking so serious. He doesn't see me so I should ignore him right?

"Hey Jeremy! " I find myself screaming his name.

He's still walking. He hasn't heard me so I should stop.

"Jeremy! " I scream even louder.

I notice people staring at me but I don't think I care.

"Jeremy, over here! "

He's still walking and there's absolutely no way I'm running after him.

Okay, I'm running after him trying not to scream his name. When I get closer, I scream his name two more times loud enough for anyone within his range to hear. He's still walking. Jerk! I meet up with him and block his path. I'm so out of breath.

"Jeremy, didn't you hear me calling you? "

"I did. 5 times right?"

Kill me!

"Geez! Why didn't you answer me? "

"Smart people don't answer people from a far distance."

He starts walking away again.

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