Chapter Ten

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"I think he's left handed? I'm not certain but once I saw him eating with his left hand."
Shan is still talking about Mevin as we have dinner. Today I've heard alot of insignificant details about him- like how his left thumb Is slightly longer than the right. How did she even know that?

When she mentioned Mevin yesterday, I hoped it was just a passing crush but it seems like its more, I think she's obsessed.
Yeah, my best friend is obsessed with the guy who just flirted with me.

Calm down Christy. He flirted with you, so what? It was just a one time thing. It means nothing.

"I think he's a... "
She's saying something but I can't hear her. I am concentrated on Jeremy who just opened the freezer to take a bottle of water. I never the knew the sight of a human drinking water could be mesmerizing.

I should stop staring too hard.

"We've got to practice tonight, you remember right? " he asks.

I haven't seen Jeremy much since we arrived from the amusement park yesterday. I was hoping to see him today during the practice for our play but today's practice was cancelled.

"How could I forget? "

Does he even know that we get to kiss in the play? Is he going to kiss me tonight?

"I'll be back, let me get the script. "

Please come back shirtless.

"I can't wait to finally watch the play. No spoilers, I'm going to bed now. I don't want to know any details before the presentation. "

"Good night, Shan. "

My phone beeps. It's another text from mum asking me to come home. I really don't have the energy to have a conversation with mum anytime soon.

"I can't find the script. Come help me find it? "

Now he's putting on a shirt!

"Sure, where?

"My room. "

I freeze.

"I thought you hated the presence of people in your room. "

"I do."

"Then why.. "

"Are you helping or not?"

I follow him and when he reaches for his door knob he pauses as if considering a change in thoughts, then he opens it.

I don't know what I expected to find in here, dead bodies? My point Is that it's not that mysterious as I thought it was. It's just an average teenage boy's room.

"Your room is a complete mess, I now understand why you don't let people in here. "

The room isn't arranged but it's not that bad as I'm making it seem.

"Look if you don't want to help me find it, find your way out. "

I almost forgot how rude he can be at times.

"Geez, I was just teasing."

"By the way, do you know we are supposed to kiss in the play," I ask as we search for the script.

"Are we? " His facial expressions remains stoic.

Why did I have to mention it? Now I look desperate. I know I'm desperate but he doesn't have to know!

Okay Christy calm down, you can rectify this situation.

"Yeah but I think we should kiss for only ten seconds just for the sake of the audience."

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