Chapter Seven

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"So how was your excursion trip? " I ask Shan.

I'm in her living room, lying on the sofa and stylishly looking for Jeremy.

"Not bad at all. "

She starts mentioning a museum and I zone off. Where is he? I've been here for hours and there's no sign of him.

"Is Jeremy home? " I ask when I think she's done with museum talk.

"He should be in his room or somewhere."

I think of what happened yesterday, when Jeremy told Uncle Josh not to call him son.

"Shannon. Is Jeremy really your brother? "

When I see the shocked look on her face, I add, " I mean, are both of your parents
his too? "

"Christy, why would you ask that? "

"Is that bump you gave your head still affecting you? " Jeremy asks from behind me before I have a chance to answer her.


I turn around to find a shirtless Jeremy and all of a sudden, it's hard to breathe. He's so attractive, I suddenly want to trace my fingers all over his chest.

Stop it Christy.

"It's the bump isn't it? The one you mentioned when you called earlier?" he asks.

I didn't bump my head and I don't even have Jeremy's number. He's coming closer to me and the knot in my stomach tightens.

"Does it still hurt? "

He places his hands on my forehead. Can he feel my body so unstable at his touch?

"Just a little."

I play along even though I don't understand what's going on.

"Christy bumped her head and she called you to tell you about it? " Shan asks and I realize how stupid that sounds.

"Actually we were talking about the play we were involved in at school and she brought it up," Jeremy says, leaving me totally baffled.

"Christy! You joined a play and didn't tell me? "

I'm going to tell Shan that this is a lie and I didn't bump my head.

"I was going to tell you earlier but since you went on that excursion trip, I decided to save it for later. "

That's not what I was supposed to say!

"I'm happy for you Christy, you're finally doing something social with your life."

She dabs fake tears from her eyes.

"Christy come along. There's something I want to point out on our script, " Jeremy says to me.

I follow him although I'm lost.

"You kids have fun. I can't wait to watch the play! "

He holds my hands and I follow him like a robot wishing he'd never let go. He makes a move to open his room door but he stops.

"Have you lost it? " he asks as he let's go of my hands.

"Yeah I've totally lost it, playing along with you when I don't even know what you're up to. "

"Christabelle. What do you think you're doing? Asking Shan if we have the same parents? "

Oh! it makes sense now, kinda.

"Is that a bad thing to do? "

"Don't ever bring up that topic in her presence okay? " his voice is calm yet firm.

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