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aeri's •

" i want this, this and this, " she paused.

" and this, this, no wait, cancel that. i want that one with this one fried together. and lastly this and that and this. " finally hanni breathes out, proud of herself for choosing practically the whole menu.

she looked at me goofily and happily.

" are you sure you will eat this much? " i sighed, asking the happy girl infront of me after the waitress confirmed the long list of orders and walked out of the room. " besides, is the pot even big enough to cook everything you ordered? " i was baffled to the max.

" nah don't worry. we have the whole afternoon  to ourselves to cook and eat, and cook and eat, AND cook and eat, " hanni rubbed her stomach.

" you sure can eat, girl. rest in peace to my poor wallet, " i rolled my eyes. " speaking of which, i just spent a bomb yesterday, hmm or maybe i spent an UFO? which is bigger? yes i think i spent an UFO, "

she rolled her eyes and after absorbing what i said, her eyes widened in curiousity as she put down the glass of coke she just drank from. " really? on what? "

" someone was selling some winner fanmeet tickets and i- " she interrupted me. " you finally found tickets?? OH MY GOSH GIRL, YOU CAN FINALLY STOP COMPLAINING ON HOW BAD YOU WANNA MEET THEM, " she exclaimed excitedly, seemingly more excited than i am. i glared at her, " do you or do you not wanna hear my story? " she immediately took the hint. " okay okay sorry, please continue, your highness, " she rolled her eyes playfully.

" as i was saying, i found the ticket on twitter but the lady selling it was selling it so expensive. literally TRIPLE the amount she bought it! " i exclaimed. " but i really wanted to meet them. as you know i've been searching for ages, forgoing so many fanmeets because i couldn't find tickets, " i said sadly.

" okay okay, i get it. you're FINALLY going to meet your self-proclaimed husband right? " hanni says while cleaning up the utensils that were going to be used to cook and eat later with a piece of tissue. " why do you bother spending so much on him anyway? all you get is a hello, a signature on your album, if you're lucky then a cute interaction that goes viral on youtube and then a GOOD FREAKING BYE, " she exclaims deadpanned. " it's not like you're finally going to get to marry him or get his number or anything right? "

" wow, i'm surprised you know the sequence so well, " i smiled.

" hey hello, you have told me this almost a MILLION TIMES, and i've probably heard you go on and on about how you wanna meet this seungyook?? MORE THAN I'VE EVER BREATHED MY ENTIRE LIFE, " she almost shouts.

" woah, chill. by the way it's seungyoon but yup. that means loads to me okay. at least i'm finally not staring at him through a redundant piece of glass called the phone screen, " i sighed.

" that sounds dead creepy, aeri, " she laughs. just then, the waitress comes in with the food. " anyway let's start eating, i'm starving! "

i sat down on my desk looking at two different wrapping papers. should i or should i not wrap the present? would it seem like i'm giving him a birthday gift instead of a causal fan gift?

with my head filled with questions, i stood up and walked to my bookshelf where i kept most of my books which included my diary and it's twin. which in case you forgot, i bought it together with my diary for a discount.

i took the book on the right which hasn't been touched since forever. wow, my helper must have cleaned all my books too, despite not touching this book for ages, it isn't even dusty!

i put it on the table and chose the plain white glittery wrapper paper to wrap the book. together with the book, i left my name on the gift and wrote him a letter, in which i decided to leave my number too, just in case he decides to contact me because he loved the gift too much. hehehehehehehe.

i peeped at the clock. ah, still early.
i ransacked my box of crafts and found 4 small jars.
just nice! i pulled out small pieces of paper and a roll of star paper.
sounds like some appropriate fan gifts.

album checked.
3 jars notes checked.
notebook and jar of stars checked.
album checked.

putting the wrapped gifts and letters together with my album, i put it into my bag and walked towards my bed.

" i shall skip today's diary entry, i'm waaaaay too tired accompanying hanni around to choose her shoes. i shall just dock in my entry tomorrow after i've met him, " i smiled to myself and drifted off the dreamland on my comfortable bed.

DIARY | Kang Seungyoon (강승윤)Where stories live. Discover now