Chapter 3: Disappointing Day

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G/N: btw that stands for gabes note :P chels drove to McDonalds so she could have WiFi to email the next two chapters which i got to read first so HA! i win :) anyway here they r vote/comment/fan? o an fan me @NOTafraid cuz im the awesome one ;) 


           My eyes flutter open to the sun shining through my chocolate brown curtains, I rub the sleep out of them and in an instant a smile spreads across my face for the first time all week. I finally get to wake up to my beautiful husband lying beside me, I quickly turn over ready to gently wake him when my heart falls to the pit of my stomach. The right side of the bed once again empty leaves me wondering if I dreamt the whole thing, maybe he didn’t get injured, is it wrong that I pray Randy gets injured so I can actually spend time with him? I think to myself as I let out a sigh. I know I see him at least once a week but he spends all that time with Alanna, which is great but I remember every time he would come home it used to be ‘I get to see my two favorites girls in the world!’ now it’s just Lanna.

            I climb out of bed to get ready for the day, after a nice long shower and doing my makeup and hair I dress in my nicest outfit before going into Lanna’s room. “Sweetie, it’s time to get up…” I coo gently as I sit on the edge of the bed rubbing her back softly, her blue eyes spring open and my heart aches a little more for Randy.

            “Where is daddy?” She asks in a hush voice, I can see the worry on her face I know she is afraid he left once again in the night.

            “Don’t worry, he just went out to take care of some things…” I give a weak smile, and add I hope… in my mind. “Now get dressed, okay? Mommy is gonna take you…wait for it… wait for it…shopping!” I say in a cheerful voice, her face lights up with joy she is truly my daughter loving nothing more than getting new clothes, shoes, and in her case toys!

            I walk into the kitchen ready to start breakfast, when I notice a note sitting on the table. I take a deep breath before reading it out loud, “John’s flight stopped in St. Louis and he had ten hours before his next flight to Massachusetts, so we went to the gym. Kiss Alanna good morning for me and tell her I’ll be home in time for dinner, love you guys. Randy.”

            “Boo!” I hear suddenly behind me knocking me out of my thoughts, I turn around to see Alanna grinning. “Did I scare you mommy?” She giggles,

            “I about had a heart-attack you little booger!” I say grabbing my chest, “Imma get you for that,” I add before chasing after her. I pick her up tossing her into the air then catching her, “how about we go out to breakfast this morning!” I smile, before blowing onto her belly making farting noises

            “Yay!” She cheers between giggles,

            After a day of shopping Alanna and I walk into the house with both hands full of bags, I hear Randy and John in the other room arguing over something. “Daddy, and Uncle Johnny!” Lanna yells, throwing her bags in the air as she takes off. I shake my head at her with a smile as I sit all the bags by the steps ready to take upstairs later today.

            “Lanney!” I hear John use his girly voice as she squeals with excitement, I stand in the doorway and watch John do his not so secret handshake with Lanna. My eyes go on to Randy who is already staring at me with an unreadable face and fear goes through me that he is thinking about my greatest fear…

            He tilts his head toward the dining room, instantly I know he wants to have a private conversation which just makes me that much more nervous. “I just wanted to give you a heads up,” he says once we are out of the others hearing range. “John, being the pushy guy he is…thought I would get bored while on leave, volunteered me to help this girl train to become a Diva.” He says, I could tell he was annoyed by the thought

            “Why do you seem so mad about it, you love to wrestle it will make feel less…jittery while you wait to go back.” I say trying to sound like a good wife,

            “I know it’s just… there is something about this girl. I don’t know, I don’t think it’s a good idea…” He trails off staring at the ground, I’m not really sure what I feel at this point I just couldn’t get a read on him.

            “What do you mean?” I ask trying not to push him too much,

            “I just said I don’t fucking know!” He nearly screams, he takes a deep breath and a step back “I’m sorry…can I think about it and get back with you? I’m kind of lost in my own thoughts at this point.” He says plainly not even waiting for my answer he leaves the room. I stand there my heart racing and stuck in my throat at the same time as I hold back tears. Randy hardly yells at me but I know he has anger issues and when he is confused it’s easy to set him off.  Randy is an incredibly sweet guy, but admittedly he is very bipolar you never know what Randy you’ll get in the morning. 

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