The Day that changed Everything

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Nova's P.O.V

"Nova, are you ready?"

"Almost, Ma! I'm packing all my bathroom essentials, fixing my hair, and trying to remember if I'm forgetting anything. My comb! No, wait, that's in my hair. My toothbrush?"

I'm a mess.

"Hurry up!" Mark yelled from the bottom of the stair, "I don't wanna miss Ninja Turtles 'cause of you."

I swear, no one is considerate: packing is a lengthy process. I don't want to show up at Havenburg and realize that I left behind my phone charger -been there, hated it.

Before I could shout back a witty comment, my mom came into the room. "Need some help?"

Without an answer, she started grabbing and shoving things into my suitcase. I knew she was close to breaking down at this point. We made an agreement to not cry until my drop off, but it looks like she's going to burst into tears packing my graphic tees. I had to hug her before I started my own water works.

"This is a new adventure for you, honey... and I won't be there to see it all with you" Mom barely managed to say without quivering.

"I'll email pictures and call you every chance I get."

This is a terrifying but exciting new event for the both of us: I've never went too far from home other than holidays with my dad in Chicago. This is a different country. I'm going to be gone for a semester, studying cutural norms there.

I'm going to be alone... and I sort of love that.

After another ten minutes, I was finished packing and piling everything in the car.

Here comes the sad part...

"SHE HAS TO GO, MA!!" Mark cried from the passenger seat. We already gave our goodbyes but no matter how much I try to pry my mom off, she would not stop hugging me. It's starting to get a little annoying.

"Mom, he's right. I need to get through security if I want to board on time"

"I know. I know" She finally let go of me, "I'm just... going to really miss you, baby" my mom sniffled.

"Love you. I'll call you when I land." Before I was sucked back into another bone-crushing, 'cant. breath.' hug, I turned and walked inside the airport.

After waving back to my mom one last time, I was free. I felt in that instant, everything was finally going my way. I hope this lasts.


I know it's short again, but this is just the beginning! Lengthy chapter are coming soon.


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