• chapter fourteen •

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After the profession of our love, we had stayed wrapped up in each other's embrace for hours, just talking. If it was possible, I think I fell even more in love with him as he told me about himself.

Eventually though we had grown tired, and decided that since it was the early hours of the morning we would go to bed and resume conversation in the daylight.

Kieran's fingers found mine, engulfing my small hand in his as we wandered back to the pack house. He had agreed to give me a room up his end of the house - I had previously been staying in the beta's end. He led me up the stairs, before stopping outside a door.

"I'm in that room." He gestured to the door adjacent to mine and turned back to me.

Placing my hands on the junctions between his neck and shoulders, I tilted my head up and pressed my lips to his. Of course, I had wanted to sleep in Kieran's room, but at this point, I would take what I could get.

Kieran's hands moved to cup my cheeks as he responded to my kiss. These were my favourite kisses; the slow ones full of emotion, but had the potential to turn into into something more.

"Mark me." I whispered as I broke our kiss. He froze and I worried that I had gone too far. Maybe he wasn't ready for that commitment yet.

Oh, God. I had messed everything up.

"I'm sorry," I blurted. "You probably aren't ready for that yet. I understand."

Before he could say anything I darted inside and shut the door, locking it, my cheeks burning in embarrassment. Why did I do that? I'm such an idiot.

"Malia." His voice at the door froze me in my position of getting into bed. Should I open it? No, I didn't want to face the rejection tonight, not when I had just had the most perfect couple of hours.

So I ignored him, and after about ten minutes of standing outside my door, he sighed and left for his room.

Tuning my ears into listen to him, I heard the shuffling around his room, clear as ever. His thumping footsteps reverberated though the walls as I realised that they were growing louder; he was walking towards the wall that separated us.

I heard him lean against the wall, heaving a sigh. I rose out of bed and cautiously placed my hand on the wall.

"Goodnight, Malia." He whispered, barely audible through the wall.

I smiled to myself as he walked back away from the wall, whispering, "Goodnight, Kieran." And with that, I was able to slip into bed and fall into a calm sleep. One that was filled with images of Kieran and me.

A cry woke me from my slumber. I bolted upright as I listened carefully. In the room next to me, I could hear Kieran thrashing around in his sheets. Pulling the sheets off of me, I slipped out of bed, heading towards my door. I continued over to Kieran's room, pausing and pressing my ear to the wooden barrier between us.

I could hear him panting, as the sheets continued to ruffle and the bed rocked. He let out a deep groan and the hand which had been reaching for the handle froze. More panting drifted out through the gaps between the door and the frame and I felt the tears prick at my eyes.

He wasn't - he couldn't be! We had just gotten together, why would he do this?

"Stop." He whimpered. That was why he didn't want to mark me.

Deciding the and there, I grabbed the handle and pushed the door open, to be met with something that I would never wish upon anyone.

Okay so just a little chapter I was able to write in my spare time, see you guys at next update, thanks so much for 2k reads!

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