• chapter nine •

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Only short, sorry :/ but go follow my instagram @allbookedout.wattpad and DM me that you're from here and I'll follow you back 😊 I post my poetry, quotes and photography there

"Scarlet Claw if you could all follow Beta Andrew to the cells, and he will explain what we are about to do. I need ten people with me though!"

I led the small group over to grab the fifty boxes Andrew had gathered and gestured for the rest of the group to take some, before we follow the rest of the group.

"So, with these boxes we will be cleaning out the cells." I explained to the group I was leading, "Basically I'll lead a group in, each one will need a box and we will fill our boxes with whatever is in there; the only thing I want left behind are the walls, floors and cell bars."

Hours later, Andrew and I had led thirty groups each, and we were down to clearing out the last corner of the cells. This corner reeked and all of the pack were dreading cleaning it out.

"Luna, Beta, you should take a rest, you've been helping all day." Chelsea, someone I had befriended in my time here, said. "I'll lead the next couple of groups in."

I smiled gratefully as she glanced up at Andrew before quickly walking away. I turned to Andrew, confused, only to see him gaze longingly after her. That's when it clicked.

"You two are mates?" I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands and looking between him and Chelsea.

He nodded solemnly, "Yes, but she is already with another. I refuse to be the person who tears apart a relationship just because of fate."

I swatted him on the shoulder, "You idiot! She's your mate! Rightfully yours just as you are hers! Fight for her like I'm fighting for Kieran."

He sighed, "It isn't that easy, Malia. She's dating the Alpha's son from the pack neighbouring ours. He hasn't found his mate yet, and Chelsea had been friends with him since childhood, so he chose her as a suitable chosen and then she turned eighteen and I found her. Doesn't even give a shit about whether she has a mate or not." He spat bitterly, turning to watch her, "I guess she loves him though. She is due to become Luna next month when he takes over. She refuses to let me reject her though. I just want this pain to be gone."

I saw a tear leak from his eyes and I brought him into a hug as he broke down in my arms.

"I just want it to be over. Every time I see her my heart breaks, and my wolf calls out to her, to no avail. Why can't this hell just be over? At least your mate is in love with you and only you."

My heart skipped a beat when Andrew said Kieran was in love with me, "No, he's not. He doesn't even want me. I don't even know why I'm here."

"Hey," Andrew pulled back from the hug to look at me, "He is. The moment he came home from your birthday he didn't stop telling me about you. How beautiful you were. How kind you were to everyone. How you made him laugh in the first minute of talking to him."

I flushed bright red when I remembered what I had said to make him laugh. 'I really like stars!'

What was I thinking?

"We need to make a pact." I said, turning to face him, "By the end of the year, we will have our mates. Okay?"

Nodding, with a small smile on his face, Andrew agreed and we sat back and watched the rest of the pack as they continued the job we had left them with.

I sat with Andrew for the next thirty minutes and we consoled while ranting about our problems. I was glad I was able to talk this closely with him, he was a friend.

"Thank you." Andrew said, "For trying to save our pack, and eventually for saving Kieran. He has been my best friend since birth but these last few months have turned him into a person I don't even recognise."

A scream brought us out of our conversation and we both turned to the entrance of the cells in panic. Rushing over and pushing people out of the way, I ran into the cells and towards the back of them to find Chelsea on the ground, crying into her hands as the others ran out in fear.

"Chels, what's wrong?" I yelled frantically. She lifted a shaky hand up to point at what was half hidden under the rubble and I felt my heart stop and my blood freeze in fear.

A body.

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