• chapter three •

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New chapter dis is very cute I think

"What are you talking about? Of course you're good enough for me! If anything, it's me who won't make a suitable mate or Luna for you."

I knew I wasn't strong enough to lead a pack, but I was hoping that I would eventually be able to learn.

A small growl left his lips and I recoiled in slight panic.

"Don't. Don't say that. You're absolutely fucking perfect." He said, shaking his head to emphasise the point, "But I can't be yours."

My eyebrows creased and I felt the tears threaten to fall. Was he rejecting me? Oh, God, what if he did reject me? It would destroy me. Covering my mouth and fighting back the tears I looked up at him, to see his eyes soften.

"Is this you rejecting me?" I asked desperately, "Don't you want me?"

He sighed, his head falling into his hands momentarily before he lifted himself back up to meet my eye.

"Of course I want you as my mate! You're the most beautiful, kind-hearted person I've ever met, and you'd make a fantastic Luna. There's no other girl I'd be willing to have as a mate, but you won't be happy with me, and as much as I'd love for you to be mine forever, I can't do that to you. I'm damaged goods."

I shook my head despairing, my hands clutching either side of my head, covering my ears.

"No," I cried out, "Don't do this! I can be happy with you! I don't care if you have your burdens, we all do. Just please, don't leave."

My plea stopped him in his tracks, and I took a deep breath, willing the tears to not overflow and for my breathing to return to normal. Approaching him, I willed myself to have the strength to carry out what I wanted to do. He turned around and, acting quickly, I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him close.

I could feel his breath as it fanned my face and I looked up into his eyes which were wide with shock. His hands hung limply at his side and I so desperately wished they would encircle me and hold me close against him.

"Malia –" he began, but I cut him off.

"Shh, don't think."

And with that, I pressed my lips to his, my arms tightening around his neck in the process.

He was still for a moment and I grew worried that he wouldn't respond, but my fears were squashed when he relaxed into me and kissed me back passionately. His arms which previously were hanging by his side wrapped around my waist and pulled me against him tightly. My hands moved to cup his face and, as he deepened the kiss, he pressed me into the wall, his hands resting on my hips.

I basked in the warm feeling his kiss caused me and the nerve endings that tingled with every movement. I never wanted this to end. I was in pure bliss.

Kieran pulled back, but I didn't let him go.

"Please, don't leave." I begged softly. His eyes softened at my request and his arms wrapped once again around my waist, causing me to loop my arms around his neck and rest my cheek on his shoulder. We stayed like that for a short time, embraced in each other and too content to let go, before he pulled back.

I reluctantly removed my arms from him, but he kept one arm firmly planted on my waist as we leant against the wall, thinking.

"Ma?" I heard James' voice echo through the halls of the pack house and I stiffened, turning to Kieran in panic. I didn't want them to know about us until we ourselves had figured it out.

He, noticing my panic, offered me a small smile and slipped through the back door. I took the chance to recompose myself.

"We're about to do the cake now, and considering it's your birthday we're ce–" James broke off once he saw me sitting on the lounge and staring blankly at the wall.

"Okay." I replied, taking a deep breath and standing back up.

"Malia, are you okay?" James asked, concerned, "If there's something I can do just tell me, okay?"

If you can get my mate to want me, then that would be fantastic! I so desperately wanted to yell at him, but I knew this wasn't his fault. Instead, I shook my head, put on a smile and looped my arm around his, letting him lead me toward the chatter of the party, even though all I felt like doing was laying down with a block or two of chocolate and sorting the mess out that was my love life – or lack thereof.

"Did everyone end up turning up?" I asked James as we walked back to the celebration, feigning curiosity.

"Yeah, Alpha Kieran showed up for a bit and then he disappeared and no one knows where he is now. Probably gone off on a rampage or something." He waved his arm dismissively and I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from spitting out an insult to counter what he had just said about my mate.

I nodded, pretending to be listening to what he was saying, when I was actually scanning the crowd for Kieran's tall, lean frame. My heart sank when I saw no sign of him, and I wondered if he had actually left like he said he was going to before I kissed him.

Stupid Malia, I chastised myself, he had said that he didn't want to be mates and then you pull that stunt? You probably just scared the poor guy off!

I began to dwell over what had happened. Of course, I didn't regret kissing him – that had single-handedly been the greatest moment of my life – but there was some part in me that said we should have spoken about 'why'.

As I made my way through the crowd that had formed, I glanced around desperately for Kieran, coming to meet my mother's saddened eyes that caused my shoulders to sag in defeat.

He wasn't here.

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