• chapter five •

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hella short chapter whoops so I'm doing 2 chapters today because they're both really short. This one isn't the best but eh

The days passed quickly, each day increasing in speed as I eagerly anticipated seeing Kieran again.

"You ready, sis?" James approached and stood quietly next to me.

"This is it, isn't it?"

"What?" James questioned, following my gaze out to the pack.

"I won't see them again." I bit my lip sadly, "I grew up with these people and now I'm leaving them just like that. I mean, Kieran has made it fairly clear that we can't be together so why am I throwing my family away for someone who doesn't even want to be with -"

"Malia. Listen. Kieran wants to be with you." James reasoned, "You said it for yourself - he said that you're the only one he would want but he is the one that isn't good for you. Now you're going to go into their territory, you'll take your place as Luna, fix the pack first, and then you'll show Kieran what he's missing out on. If he can see that you are capable of taking care of his mess, maybe he'll come around to see that you can take care of him, too."

I grinned at James and threw my arms around him, breathing in his familial scent. He always knew how to make me feel better about everything.

I could do this.

I took a deep breath and opened the door of the car, climbing in somewhat gracefully, both my brothers and Isabelle following behind me. Neither the luxury of the car nor the plush seats that lined the interior could tame the raging storm inside my mind.

It was a bloody war. One side of my pleaded to get out of the car; to not abandon the family I had  grown up in, while the other had not let go of hope for their mate. I had grown up seeing the love  my parents shared for each other, even when their relationship was frowned upon, and as a child, all I wanted was someone to share that kind of love with. Kieran was literally the only one for me. Even if he did reject me, and I had the option to go out and seek another mate, my heart would always be tied to him. There was no one else more mysteriously sexy than him; no one who, with the simplest of words could make me melt into a puddle; no one was better suited for me.

Frankly, I didn't care about his past. Did I care that his parents had been brutally murdered? Of course! No one should have to endure that in their life, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. But did I care that he had become danger as a result? Not in the slightest. I had seen the power of the mate bond, and I wasn't about to back down from this challenge. I wouldn't have it any other way.

When I dreamt of mates as a child, I envisioned a small cottage, with a small family and a perfect mate as we lived our cute life.

But this was far from the reality I had received.

Pulling a small book out of my bag I had taken into the car with me, I turned to the bookmarked page, reading my favourite poem. This poem, while it spoke of serious issues, held one of my all-time favourite lines.

My hands ran over the indented paper, stained with messy writing and ink blotches from where I had hastily copied out the poem so I would always have it with me. My eyes zeroed in on two lines that always gave me the courage to continue along my path, however dark it may get.

The American Way, beat poetry by Gregory Corso:

"—for what is being but the facility to love?

Was not that the true goal of growth, love?"

My fingers absentmindedly traced those lines, the lines I lived by. Face set determinedly, I closed the book, my mind made. Even if it took all I had, I would gain Kieran's love.

After all, what was being, but the facility to love?

dont mind the reference to my all time fav lines from a poem like ever

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