Chapter 18

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Students were finally done with finals and now year 3's were waiting for what college they got. Wonwoo was shaking as he was worried he didn't get in.

"Wonu, don't worry. I'm sure you passed, if they didn't take you they're missing out on someone amazing." Mingyu said back hugging Wonwoo.

"Thanks Gyu but I'm still worried. It's one of the best colleges for what I want." Wonwoo mumbled.

"You did great in your finals and everything. I'm very sure you got it okay? Let's go get some coffee now." Mingyu said dragging Wonwoo to a nearby cafe.

They sat down and ordered their drinks but Mingyu had ordered a extra cake making Wonwoo shake his head at his boyfriend.

"It's just a cake!" Mingyu said pouting.

"You eat too much sweets."

"No I don't"

"You finished all the candies I gave you in 2 days! I legit gave you a whole packet too. You got sick the next day" Wonwoo backfired.

Mingyu pouted keeping quiet as it was true.

"It was good!" Mingyu excused but Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

Their drinks and cake came. As Wonwoo was mid way sipping on his drink, his phone started ringing.

Wonwoo answered it, cautiously.


"Congratulations Jeon Wonwoo, you have been accepted to the college! We have to see you soon." the speaker said.

Wonwoo's mouth was wide open in shock before smiling widely.

"T-thank you so much!" Wonwoo said bowing although they couldn't see.

Wonwoo ended the call with Mingyu looking at him with a wide smile. Wonwoo couldn't believe it, he got in.

"Mingyu I got in!" Wonwoo said cheerfully.

"I know, I'm so happy for you Wonu" Mingyu said.

Wonwoo smiled and quickly gave a small peck on the lips to Mingyu before taking a celebrating bite of cake.

"Hey that's my cake!"

"I'm only having one bite as a celebration!"

"Your one bite is huge!"

"Yours is worse!"


"Won! Did you get in?" Soonyoung asked as soon as he saw him.

Wonwoo nodded. "I did! What about you?"

"I didn't but I got into the second college I wanted so it's fine!" Soonyoung smiled.

"The second college you took has what?"

"Dancing and some other stuff."

"Oh, what about Jihoon"

"He got in as well but he decided to change to the college I'm in now. They have music so it was fine for him!" Soonyoung smiled.

"Didn't you say you wanted to be a kindergarten teacher though?"

"Yeah they have some stuff related to that too."

"Oh okay"

"I'm so proud of you though! You got into the college you have been wanting to go!" Soonyoung said patting his back.

"Thanks" Wonwoo chuckled.

"But you do know what that means right?" Soonyoung asked.

"What do you mean?"

"We're leaving the school. Won't Mingyu still be here while you have to go all the way to Gangnam? The college is there isn't it?" Soonyoung said making Wonwoo realise.

"Shit" Wonwoo had forgotten about it.

He forgot he had to move to Gangnam to study. He didn't want to leave his friends or Mingyu.

"What do I do Soon? Should I change to another college near here-"

"Don't! You always wanted to go to that college. We all would understand and I'm sure Mingyu would too. You should tell him though." Soonyoung cut Wonwoo off.

Wonwoo nodded about to dash off to find Mingyu. "Thanks Soon, you're the best"

"I know" Soonyoung proudly smiled before Wonwoo went off to find Mingyu.

"Mingyu!" Wonwoo called his nameas he found him.

Mingyu turned to Wonwoo and smiled. "Hey Wonu-"

"I need to tell you something important." Wonwoo cut him off.

Mingyu nodded a bit confused. "Are you okay? Were you running?"

"Yeah but don't mind that,"

"What is it Wonu?"

"My college is in Gangnam which means I won't be able to see you. I only can when I'm free or on a holiday. So I hope you would understand about all of this." Wonwoo rushed all the words out but Mingyu understood.

Mingyu smiled and chuckled. "I already know, I searched up for the college before. It's fine Wonu, we can always meet whenever you're free. I don't mind besides I can always just go to Gangnam and see you. You don't need to worry okay? We can always find ways to see each other." Mingyu smiled.

Wonwoo nodded and hugged Mingyu. He was always so understanding, Wonwoo was glad.

"Thanks Mingyu, I love you."

"I love you too Wonu" Mingyu chuckled before pressing his lips on Wonwoo's.

"Now let's go get some cake"

"Again? Didn't we eat some like few days ago?"

"One cake is never enough"

"You and your sweet tooth"

"You love me"

"Of course I do"

one last chapter before this fanfic ends :(( so i would like to say thank you for reading this book, it really means a lot to me that people like and read my books!

i hope that this book and maybe other books that u hv read from me made u smile!! <3

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