Chapter 8

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Wonwoo walked to his locker and checked if there was a candy. He smiled as he saw it and grabbed it.

Hey! Did you see the leaves falling? It's so pretty isn't it? I wish I can see it with you ^^
Also, there's gonna be a carnival in our school next week! Are you going? I hope you are :)
-secret admirer

Wonwoo smiled at the note before keeping it. They were right, leaves were starting to fall and it's getting a bit chilly but Wonwoo liked that.

Wonwoo was walking to his class before seeing Mingyu.

"Hey Mingyu." Wonwoo greeted him.

Mingyu turned around and smiled.

"Hey hyung! Did you see the leaves? It's turning to another colour!" Mingyu excitedly said.

Wonwoo smiled and nodded. Mingyu grabbed his hand and brought him go the garden.

"Look! Look!" Mingyu pointed at the leaves.

They were indeed changing colours but slowly. Wonwoo smiled and turned to look at Mingyu who staring at leaves in awe.

Wonwoo noticed how Mingyu's smile was very nice and it made him smile more.

Wonwoo couldn't help but look at all of Mingyu's features. His smile, bright eyes, sharp jawline, tan skin and more. Wonwoo realised what he was doing and blushed.

Mingyu turned to Wonwoo with a huge smile. Wonwoo could confirm that Mingyu was a huge puppy.

"Hyung you okay?" Mingyu asked snapping his fingers in front of Wonwoo.

"Y-yeah I am don't worry." Wonwoo said.

"Anyway let's go, classes are about to start." Wonwoo said and Mingyu nodded.

They walked to their own classes after that not forgetting to say goodbye.

"Hyung, meet me at the rooftop in lunch!" Mingyu said and Wonwoo nodded.

Mingyu gave him a soft smile before walking to his class, leaving Wonwoo who's heart was beating faster.

Wonwoo went back to his class. Soonyoung saw him and jumped out of his seat.

"Where were you?!" Soonyoung asked but Wonwoo kept quiet as he was lost in his thoughts.

"Wonwoo? Hello Wonwoo?" Soonyoung waved his hand over Wonwoo's hand.

"What?" Wonwoo finally snapped out of his thoughts.

"I asked where were you." Soonyoung said.

"Oh garden."


"Can't I just go there?"

"You went without me." Soonyoung pouted but Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

"Go with Jihoon then."

"But he doesn't want to!" Soonyoung whined.

"Good luck then, that isn't my problem." Wonwoo shrugged.

Soonyoung pouted before sitting back down. Jihoon turned to him before whispering, "We can go see the leaves later if you want."

Soonyoung turned to Jihoon and smiled widely. He hugged Jihoon tightly and nodded.

Lunch came and Wonwoo went to the rooftop. Mingyu was already there as Wonwoo opened the door to the rooftop.

"You're fast." Wonwoo said before sitting beside Mingyu.

"Teacher let us out earlier." Mingyu said.

Wonwoo let out an "ah" and nodded before noticing Mingyu had two lunch boxes.

"Oh! Here's yours. I made it for you." Mingyu smiled.

Wonwoo blushed and nodded. "Thank you, you didn't need to."

"I wanted to make it for you plus I thought you weren't eating a lot so that's why." Mingyu replied.

Wonwoo nodded before opening the lunch box. It smelled amazing and Wonwoo was getting hungrier by the second. Wonwoo then dug into the food and Wonwoo thought Mingyu had amazing cooking skills.

"This is really good Mingyu." Wonwoo said as he swallowed his food.

Mingyu smiled in delight before digging into his own.

"Thanks I'm glad you like it" Mingyu said with some rice sticking on his lips.

Wonwoo laughed before pointing out the rice which was stuck on Mingyu's. Mingyu quickly wiped off the rice and grinned.

They finished their lunchbox and continued to talk until the bell rang. They cleaned everything up and left the rooftop.

"Oh!" Mingyu remembered something.

"What is it Mingyu?" Wonwoo asked as he saw Mingyu had stopped his tracks.

"Hyung! There's gonna be a carnival in our school next week, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me." Mingyu asked getting softer and softer.

Wonwoo chuckled and nodded. "Sure"

Mingyu's eyes lit up and smiled. "Okay. I'll see you later!" Mingyu said happily before running off to his class.

Wonwoo smiled at Mingyu who's figure was disappearing. He then walked to his own class, feeling a bit excited for the carnival.

2 updates in a day :O, my results are coming tmr so im pretty scared as its gonna determine which stream i can go for like econs or accounts or science

im going for economics tho so i hope i get it lmao

hope u guys liked it byee

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