ʟxvii : Not Alone

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Tears slid consistently down my face as I explained what had happened to Colby. I left out the kissing part. It meant nothing to me and would only upset Colby.

"How did he get up here?" Colby asked.

To be honest, I hadn't thought about that yet.

The lift requires a passcode so he'd need to know that.


I didn't want to see her. I feared the worst. If she has involvement in Connor finding me, I can't deny that it fits. Perhaps her rushed, unexplained trip was more than I thought.

"I don't want to see Jasmine," I shake my head as more tears resurface. Colby pulls me into another long hug.

"Hey, we can stay here for the night," he suggests and I nod against his shoulder. "Use the time to clear your head."

I didn't want to let go of him but I did.

"I'm going to go get some sleep," I told him, standing up. I wanted some alone time.

Once inside my bedroom, I change my clothes and brush my hair out. Keeping occupied seemed like the best thing to do until I was able to fall asleep.

"Ella," Colby whispers from the door. I see him behind me in my mirror. "You are so damn beautiful."


Awestruck, I turn around to look at the real him. I was literally just dressed in an oversized white t-shirt and underwear.

Holy crap I need pants on...!

My eyes dart frantically around the room in search of my jeans but I'd already stuffed them in the bag I'd put over by my door. I gave up as Colby got closer to me. He neither seemed to mind nor let his eyes drift below my face.

It fell silent for amount and I feel tension begin to accumulate; the white colour scheme of the room no longer making it feel so spacious. I spoke before the air got too thick.

"Um... need anything?"

"Uh, not really. I'm just scared to take my eyes off you now" Colby admits, diverting his gaze.

I stifle a smile. He's so sweet.

"Well I'd offer to uh," I glance at my bed, "but it's probably not big enough for the both of us"

"It's a king single. We can squeeze" he compromises.

I nod, glad that he wants to cuddle. I don't think I'd be able to survive the night alone. Well, I wouldn't have survived at all here in LA if it wasn't for Colby.

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