Chapter 10 | Djuera

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Chapter 10: Djuera

Reid studied his long pale fingers nonchalantly. He crossed his legs, then uncrossed them again. Then his eyes flashed up to glare at the big man sitting opposite him. “You mean to tell me that in the two weeks she has been here, you and your worthless team have not gleaned a single piece of information to prove she is indeed a Keeper,” he hissed furiously.

“Sir, we– ”

“You,” Reid fumed. “were supposed to spy on a girl. A helpless, human girl who couldn’t have defended herself if the world relied on it. You had two whole weeks. And yet, today you sit before me, with nothing.”

The man shifted uneasily in his seat and reached up to fiddle with one of his piercings. “The Kāskennír killed six of my best men,” he growled.

Reid studied him coldly. “That,” he said, “is your problem, not mine. I paid you to get me the information that I want and you failed. If you are seeking compensation, expect none. I want to have nothing to do with you.” He swiveled his leather chair expertly away like he had seen many villains in human movies do. “Dismissed.”

There was the muted scraping of the chair against the carpet and the rustle of rough fabric as the mercenary stood up. As he lumbered out, Reid took a deep breath and tried to compose himself. He cursed the mercenary and his group of mismatched spies and fighters to the deepest fieriest pits of hell under his breath. They had come close to ruining his plans. Too close. It would not happen again. He smoothed down his tux and discreetly checked his appearance in the mirror.


“Yes, master.” Vane stepped silently out of the shadows at the edge of the study where he had been standing.

Reid swiveled back to face his personal spy and assassin. He looked him up and down. As usual, Vane was in his trademark black leather, the symbol of a falcon embroidered in red on his sleeve. Like all trained professionals, his dark eyes were steely, cold and expressionless. “Report,” Reid finally said.

“Renn is dead. Nagashi killed him. We underestimated Grey and Renn was outnumbered. They, ah, disposed of his body for us. Nagashi is teaching the girl to fight. His girlfriend is also telling her about Aviasce’s many legends. The Overlord has healed from his injuries. Nagashi plans to test the girl to see if she is Keeper or not.”

“Niko Nagashi,” Reid sighed. “Ever so cunning – what is he planning now? Like the cat, he is, but I shall beat him at his own game some day. Vane, spy on them and find out if the tests prove positive or otherwise. Then, report back immediately. You are my best spy and assassin. Don’t fail me.”

“Yes, Master.” Vane nodded briskly and spun on his heel to leave the room.

“Oh, and Vane?”


“What was the name of that…mercenary?” Reid asked casually.

“Yenni, I believe, Master.”

Reid tilted his head and stroked his chin delicately with one finger. “Kill him while you’re at it.”


Lance sighed dramatically for the thousandth time as he trudged along, pausing only to wait for Jade and glare at Niko’s back. The heat from the glaring sun created a shimmering haze, through which the old buildings of Djuera rose. Gravel and rubble crunched under his boots and sweat dripped off his chin. “Tell me again what we’re doing in this old place? No one’s been here in ages!”

A few steps ahead, Niko turned to look at Lance. “We’re doing the Keeper tests, remember? Now be quiet and stop being difficult. You whine like a human girl sometimes.”

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