Chapter 2 | Stalker

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Dedicated to Arix @cold_lady19, because I absolutely love your works, especially My Wattpad Love. I know you have millions of reads, millions of votes and hundred of thousands of followers and I'm a nobody here, but this is for making me smile with your stories~ <3 

Chapter 2: Stalker

Jadelynn Hale snuck a peek behind her. There he was – the same guy who had seemed to be trailing her…for the past two days. “Hey, Jaz.” She nudged her one of her best friends in the ribs. “It’s him again.”

Three pairs of eyes widened. “Really?”

“Do you need me to go and shout at him to stay the heck away from you?” Val asked.

“Where is he?” Lyne frowned, staring at the spot Jade was glancing warily at. “I don’t see anyone…”

“What?” Jade spun around. For a moment, she thought she saw an empty sidewalk too. A second later, he was there, all right, seemingly interested in the ‘Coming Soon’ movie posters in big shouty letters. Today, Stalker was wearing a fitting black shirt, a leather jacket and dark jeans, his dirty blonde hair ruffled in the wind. He was very tall, with straight dark eyebrows, a long straight nose, and sculpted features that struck her as sort of regal. To put it frankly, he was pretty hot, and Jade had to remind herself that it did no good to ogle or drool over stalkers.

Jazmine peered over her shoulder curiously. “Tell me you’re not staring at that skinny kid there.” Jade’s eyes flicked over to a sloppy boy wearing metal-studded punk-style clothes which did not suit his bony frame at all. Noticing their eyes on him, he self-consciously smoothed his hand over his Mohawk-style hair. Lyne giggled.

“I’m not looking at him!” Jade almost shouted, blushing furiously. She took a deep breath. “Well, I wasn’t but then I only looked when you actually pointed him out. I was looking at Stalker. I mean- I mean, well, that guy who’s standing there right beside the punk wannabe looking at the posters. I keep seeing him around where I am – it’s creepy!” She turned back to look at them.

“Umm…” Her three friends were all glancing bemusedly at the posters. “You know…” Lyne began, trailing off unsurely.

“…there’s no one there.” Val finished for her.

“What??” Jade spun around.

A chill ran up her spine. There was, indeed, no one. The stalker had vanished while her attention had been diverted to the punk kid. “But…but- but…he…” It was barely a few seconds. They had just been distracted by- She stopped short. “Where’s the weird kid? The one we were talking about just now…?”

Lyne peered curiously at her. “Do you really like him? We were kidding, you know?”

“Yea, why would you care?” Val chimed in. “He probably slunk off to do whatever punk kids like him do.”

“Nevermind.” She sighed.

“What about the stalker? You’ve been going on and on about him for days and yet we haven’t seen any sign of him at all. Are you sure you weren’t, like…hallucinating or something? You’ve been sort of jittery and weird these days.” Of course she’d been jittery! Wouldn’t they if they had a Stalker-with-a-capital-S trailing them for about two days? Jade wanted to shout but she held her tongue.

“Maybe…” she began unsurely. “Nevermind.” It seemed that ‘nevermind’ was quickly becoming her excuse. Jade rummaged in her bag for her bottle and took a sip. If only she could catch him and prove that he was real. Hallucination. The word flashed through her mind. I’m not hallucinating. I’m sure of it, she thought confidently. Her only problem now was how to prove it to her three friends.

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