Chapter 3 | Legend

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Dedicated to @kaylaWex for being my biggest fan and best advisor when it comes to writing. I owe you heaps for all the tips you've given as well as for sticking by me and continuing to read even though my story is littered with typos, uneditted trash and is not in its best of states. ^.^' If you haven't, which I'm 90% sure you haven't, do check out her book, Thief King. It is an undiscovered gem that will take you on a dark adventure int- nope, I'll shut my mouth now to not spoil your story :3

Chapter 3: Legend

 There was an irritated sigh from behind her. “Is it that so-called stalker again?” Lyne asked.

“You know we never see him, right? There’s always no one there – are you really sure you didn’t imagine him or anything?” Jas said, flipping expertly through a rack of fluorescent tank tops.

Imagined him, Jade scoffed mentally. Sure as hell she did. She bit back the sarcastic reply.“I didn’t okay? Really.”

“Do these look good on me?” Val emerged in a pair of fashionably ripped Giordano jeans. “What were you guys up to? Stalker much?” She twisted and turned in front of a wall mirror, examining the jeans.

“I was just looking at that shop over there,” Jade explained exasperatedly. “I’ve never seen it before, I thought…wasn’t there a music store or something there before? I went there to buy guitar picks once.”

“Huh?” Lyne looked up from where she had been scrolling through a group chat on Whatsapp. She appeared to think they had all been talking about her. “I didn’t tell him yet! I– I just– ”

“Lyne…” Jas and Val loomed over her phone, reading something over her shoulder.

“I’ll just, you know, go check out the store…” Jade said awkwardly, her words drowned out by twin squeals from Jas and Val. She glanced at the new lot. It was antique store. She would catch up on her friends’ gossip later. It would just be a little while. And so, Jade slipped off unnoticed in the direction of the small store that said “Mary’s Antiques”.

“Can I help you, young one?”

Jade started, spinning around. An old woman was staring intently at her from a corner of the shop, amid the clutter of strange old trinkets. She had a face as wrinkled as a dried prune and green eyes with a strange knowing glint. If eyes were really windows to the soul, Jade was sure that the old woman could see everything about her.

“I, oh, I’m sorry. I was just looking around,” she smiled sheepishly. “I’ll just be...what do these mean?” She pointed curiously at some fluid symbols carved into an old grandfather clock.

The old woman’s face crinkled into a smile that bared yellow rotten teeth. “Ah, young one. You are wise to hold interest in them. They are from an ancient and long-forgotten language which all the beings in the world spoke before they formed their own native tongues. This is the language of the Creator. During the era of the Creation, everyone spoke this tongue and everyone understood each other. Now the Great Realm has split and those of the new generation are all ignorant to the history of their origin,” she finished sadly.

“Come again?” Jade frowned. She did not understand one bit of what the old woman had said.

“Young one, those of your generation are fully ignorant of your past. You think that history is all about Hitler’s time and the Japanese occupation in Southeast Asia. You think that the great wars of this world are World War I and World War II, yet you are all ignorant of your heritage – the history of the Great Realm and the Great War of the seven races, all of that you have no idea.” She sighed and shook her head sadly.

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