swollen lips

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the first time.
(pt. II)

November 2011

"Let's name something we're all thankful for," Ana announced suddenly. I raised my eyes that had previously been trained attentively on my now empty plate. She waited until the very last second to do this, which was common for Ana, for forget things until the moment had passed.
"Vanity, would you mind getting desert?" my mum asked, her brows raised suggestively. I could say that made me blush, but honestly, the blush hadn't gone away all throughout dinner. "I want to hear more about York's trip to D.C. first, than we can do what we're thankful for." York had gone to D.C. on a school field trip for some reason or other that I wasn't paying attention to. I nodded softly, standing in my chair. I briefly heard Ana suggest River accompany me, before scurrying off to get the pie my mum bought from the bakery down the road.
"The mums are quite the matchmakers aren't they?" I could hear the teasing tone in his voice and it only made my cheeks tinge pink, so I didn't turn to look at him. He'd be gone soon and nothing would happen, and I'd be stuck with these weird extra feelings I didn't know existed. So I didn't need to be looking at him all doll-eyed. I could get the pie, and go out there and say what I was thankful for, whatever that was, and go to bed and go through with my earlier plan to block everyone out.
"It's weird don't you think, that we didn't come yesterday, that we came the day of Thanksgiving?" he questioned as I lifted the pumpkin and apple pies from their pink boxes and set them on the counter.
"They always do. Ana doesn't get off work until Wednesday and she doesn't want to drive all night after work. That's why they stay an extra day after," I explained swirly all while getting the pie cutter and slicing up the pie. I tilted my head so I could look at River, to see why he hadn't said anything, when his face is right next to mine. My breath hitches and I drop the pie slicer on the counter and angle my body toward him.
"Vanity Faith, I know this is really soon and I shouldn't want to kiss the living hell out of you as much as I do, especially when I met you only a few hours ago, but I'll be damned if I don't." I stopped breathing by the time he said Faith. My God, he was so close to me, if I leaned my head up just a tiny bit and went on my toes slightly, my lips could press themselves against his, and that thought alone was enough to send my mind into a dirty frenzy.
"Faith, I'm gonna kiss you right now, and if it's too weird you gotta tell me, because I can't stop myself unless you make me."
"Stranger things have happened," I whispered, leaning my body closer to his.
"Jesus fuck," he murmured moment before he dips his mouth onto mine. I yanked his body closer to mine as our lips meshed with each other. I tasted the slight taste of the cranberry he'd had with his turkey and candy canes. Who the hell tasted like candy canes? I don't know, but I really enjoyed it. I wound my hands into his soft brown hair, and let my lips explore his in delight. I sucked on his bottom lip and a small, sexy as sin moan erupted from his lips.
"God am I happy I finally agreed to come with York for holiday," he muttered goofily against my lips, and in return I grinned against his.
"You and me both." I reattached our mouths and almost immediately his tongue was begging entrance. The setting of where we were came crashing down on me as I denied him excess. My family was in the next room, and words could not describe how much I was praying they hadn't heard any of that, especially River's moan.
"We need to get back." My voice came out in a rushed squeak as I shoved him off me and grabbed the pies, handing one to him. My face was already beet red, and I knew when we went out there it would be a million times worse.
"Your lips are swollen." That was all the bastard said, with a grin I might add, before pressing one last peck to my apparently swollen lips, before walking out to the dining room. I grunted, and summoning every single drop of courage I had in me, followed him out. By the looks of mischief and not so subtle smirks, from the mums, and the twin looks of disgust from York and Blaze, they knew exactly what we were taking so long doing.
"Okay, so what is everyone thankful for, York, will you start?" I admired Ana's enthusiasm even when her son was blatantly rolling his eyes at her.
"I'm thankful that after we're done with this I won't have to sit in the same room with the love birds making googoo eyes at each other for another second," York jeered. I clenched my jaw to sustain from slapping him, and I felt as if Ana was doing the same. She didn't give much acknowledgment to York's comment.
"I second that notion, that's mine too." I focused my glare to Blaze who wasn't even sparing me a glance. I was bubbling with anger.
"Okay! Char?"
"I'm thankful to have my kids both under one roof along with my sister and her son, and that we had the pleasure of meeting River and I'm sure I speak for all of us saying we hope he comes back along soon," my mum smiled, giving me a pointed look, as if to say you're welcome. I chuckled quietly at my mother.
"I'm thankful for all this wonderful food that my sister prepared, and being able to share it with the people I love most in this world." I swear, I even thing Ana's eyes went red from tears in that little speech. I knew I was next by the looks of it and I was having trouble coming up with one.
"Vanity?" Think Van, think think think. Don't say River's lips, don't say it. Don't say is sexy voice, don't say whatever shampoo he uses because, damn, it works mighty well.
"I'm thankful for noise-blocking headphones that will get me through the rest of this weekend that is sure to be filled with loud video-game playing by not two, but three teenage boys." That earned a laugh or two and I didn't make things more awkward for River and I. But, apparently River had different plans.
"River?" River didn't even need time to mull over Ana's question, as if he'd already had the answer for a while. I knew whatever he said would only deepen the blush that was tattooed on my face. I also knew I'd probably have to kill him after he said it.
"I'm thankful for strawberry Chapstick and kissing."


sorry for the long wait):

i'm not sure when i'll be updating next, but here's an update for now :)

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