Heart Attacks and Fiery Escapes

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"So.. where is she?" Asked bunny, looking from the figure to North. He frowned at the figure. "Or better, who is she?"

"I don't know. Manny?" The figure changed to a wooden bed above a rotten hole.

"Pitch? Pitch has her? " Tooth said urgently, her little fairies (besides little Baby Tooth, who was sitting on Jacks shoulder) buzzed around her In a rushed panic. The figure formed back to the girl. Sandy, silent as always, pointed to the strings of sand around her.

"Everyone, to the sleigh!" North boomed, leaving the pedestal and turning towards the door to the sleigh.

"But my eggs.." Bunny said desperately.

"C'mon, Cottontail," Said Jack, who was right behind North to get into the sleigh room.


She hurriedly closed the door and laid her back on it. What was going on? Her dream couldn't be real. Maybe she was still dreaming. She pinched her wrist and recoiled, in dreams you don't feel pain.

She laid an hand over there heart as if she could calm its rapid beating. What was going on? Her room suddenly became hot and stuffy, she couldn't take it. Creaking the door open, she saw her dad mumbling to someone she couldn't see. Her figure, perched on the black stone, still stood like it was minutes ago.

Seeing that her fathers back was turned from her door, she slipped out silently and climbed up the exit to the surface. Taking a breath of fresh, chilly air she slipped up into the snow. It felt like walking on ice shards on her bare feet as she padded to the rocks only a few yards away from home. She slid up into a shaded face of the rock where there was no snow and curled up, pulling her knees to her face. The fresh air was doing wonders on her lungs and was calming her. She opened her eyes and looked around at the snowy banks and the frosted trees. Behind her rocks, she heard something crash into the snow. She looked over the rock and spied the group from her dream. They all clamored out of a huge sleigh. Bunny came out, holding his stomach.

"C'mon Bunny, I thought you liked the loop-de-loops!"

"You crazy show-pony." He mumbled, holding onto the side of The sleigh for a moment. With a smile she glanced at the other faces and fit them with what she remembered from the dream. The fairy, the bunny, the gold guy, the big intimidating guy, and.. the blue boy who was staring at right at her.

She ducked, smile fading. What should I do? She thought, Stay and await my doom, make a break for home, or fight?

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" Jack said in a friendly tone, hanging off the edge of the rock, looking at her and her hidey hole with a small smile. Like instinct, she sulked back into the shadow, then dissapeared into it. "Wait, its okay-- what?"

She almost laughed out loud. The look on his face was priceless. She pressed her back against the cold stone and waited.

Behind the rock, she heard voices talking. "Jack, what are you doing?" Called North.

"There was a girl over here, I think it was our mystery Guardian," He called over. "But then she just... dissapeared."

"What?" The Bunny chimed in. He was much closer then she liked.

"Yeah, she.. faded into the shadows."

"Then uh, then just.." She saw a big paw reach into the shadows, coming right for her. This was inescapable, she was trapped. "Hey, I found a leg!" He felt for my leg and grabbed it and started to slowly pull me out. Her shadowy facade fell.

She hung upside down, looking at them with a panicked expression. She then kicked her leg up into Bunny's jaw. He let go to hold his face and she landed into the fluffy snow, on all fours. Standing easily, she held her hands up in defense. Then, seeing that they weren't jumping to recapture her, she ran for it.

"Wait!" She looked behind her, somehow still able to dodge trees. Jack was hot on her tail. Speaking of hot..

"Oh no you don't," She called behind her, while flicking her wrist in front of her. Destruction-less fire shot from her wrist, creating a pencil thin walkway that was perfect for grinding her bare feet on. Being impervious to fire, instead of hurting her or burning her surroundings, it created a way or her to 'fly', although it was more like she was on a slip and slide of fiery wire and molten lava. Becoming five times faster then him, she raced to who knows where. She didn't know where she was going, because she rarely was able to sneak out and never had the guts to go farther then the rocks. This.. This was a new adventure, and she liked it.

She looked behind her, seeing him pause in shock, shying away from her fiery trail. She smiled at the fact that she that lost him. Instead of shooting her trail from her wrist the fire came from her feet so all she had to do was run in mid air to create her trail.

Then.. She ran out of fire. She was pretty high up, and running out of the only thing keeping her afloat was well, not pretty. Falling surely to her death, she looked to her left and saw a blue and brown figure race forwards her. She would hit the rocks below her, it was too late. Or so she thought, till Jack scooped her up in his arms and tumbled into the snow. She was fine, and was alive. Covered in snow, she looked at him. All the air had been sucked out of her lungs when his icy eyes pierced her gold ones.

"R-Relax, we didn't come to hurt you," He heaved, clearly recovering from having the wind knocked out of him too. I'm tired, she thought, my life just flashed before my eyes, I'm not up to put up more of a fight. So, she just nodded and stared down to the snow.

She saw Jack look up behind her. "Bunny you don't have to--" He exclaimed, seconds before she was scooped up into a velvety bag. Flailing, she realized there was no use and hung in the bag.

"Oh come on, once she caught her breath she was going to run again, Mate."

"Don't we want her on our side? Capturing her in a bag like you did me won't help her think we're friendly."

"She kicked me in the jaw, Mate. She's not friendly!"

"You dragged her out of her hiding place by the leg!"

"Can the giant Kangaroo release me from the bag," She called from inside.

"Kangaroo-- what the bloody hell did you tell her-" She heard Jack laugh.

"That's priceless, I didn't tell her anything, Easter Kangaroo," Jack teased.

"That's it mate, I've had it with you!" She was suddenly dropped by Bunny who went to tackle Jack to the ground. She went to pull at the opening of the bag but to no avail, she couldn't open it from the inside. Instead, moments later the bag opened to a friendly face, the burly North. He held put his hands (which then she noticed his tattoos, the words Naughty and Nice was scrawled on each arm) and helped me out of the bag. She glanced to Bunny and Jack. Tooth and Sandy were trying to pry them away from each other.

"Excuse them, they bicker a lot," He said kindly. His voice boomed with a genuine Russian accent. "But you must come with us, we'll explain at the pole."

"But what about-"

"He can't get into the pole, not anymore. You'll be safe."


So I'm kinda two weeks behind... Sorry about that.

I finished school and so now I'll hopefully have more free time to write more chapters. talking about that, to hopefully make up, I'll be posting two chapters c:

OH! I almost forgot, please notify me if the dream from the last chapter was messed up with the spacing, it looks that way in the editor Dx

Alright, keep reading!

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