Chapter 5

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  You sat there in shock for a moment.
"Kyoya?" Takaski said in a warning tone.
"No, of course not." You said sternly.
Your body trembled slightly.
"No..." Your voice wavered do it the tears. You clenched your fist tighter. "No one can know, not now, not yet." You muttered.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have have said that. I was out of line. I just find it odd how when you talk you never look directly at the person speaking. Your eyes are paler then most."
"I see why you would say that but I assure you I can see just fine." You faked a smile. "I should be heading home."
Takaski walked you out.
"Why did you lie to them?" Takaski asked.
You stopped mid step. "What?"
"Your eye sight is bad, isn't it?"
"Did dad tell you that?"
"No, your maid did. She said you had trouble seeing sometimes."
"I see...well it's nothing to be concerned with." You said smiling.
"If he knows that will he still want me...I can't let this get an worse then it is."  

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