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The snow is starting to melt and new flowers are starting to blossom. Spring. A new beginning. My mum always told me that spring was the new start. That everything you ever done is erased and is left blank for the new stuff. But I always leave one thing on there, and that is "control".

I walk through a park that has already melted. My shoes are slicked with mud as I walk on the green grass. The frost preserves them underneath the snow. So when it in finally melts it will drink the melted snow and grow bright.

The wind breezes by and it is still biting like the winter it still is. I sit on a near bench and inhale the cold air. I will miss this. The cold feeling.

It is nice.

Then the warmness of spring comes. Even though its not that hot it still is.

Then it will be summer and the heat waves.


One time I almost got heat stroke because I was wearing my jacket and gloves like fucking winter. Apparently I do get hot and get sweaty, sort of. I had to lock myself in my room and bring the temperature down to below zero. It was a horrible time.

That's why now during summer I just wear small sweaters. Not as thick as my coat but thinner. I still wear my gloves though.

My shoes slide over the grass to try get the mud off as I continue walking.

I guess I'll head back to the dorm because I have class in twenty minutes.

I dodge people on the side walk a I keep my head down.

I pass people with all sorts of powers and kids just coming into theirs. They still don't have control yet so they are going haywire. I turn the corner and head through the short cut through the fountain area.

I turn the corner and see a woman and her son. She is crouched down talking to him as she is putting gloves on him.

The gloves are red, training gloves. I remember when I had to wear them when I first came into my powers.

I could hear him whining to his mom about wearing them. I don't hear her response. I see his eyes connect with me and I wave my gloved hand towards him. His eyes widen and he starts pointing at me and telling his mum. His hand dose not have a glove on and suddenly I am getting hurled with cold winds and snow. I take off my glove.

I lift my hand in front of me as I deflect the wind. It shoots up. I walk towards him and I grab his hand and cover it with mine.

His eyes are open wide.

"You need to learn control"

He nods as I uncover his hand. I flip his palm up towards me.

I do the same to mine.

I point with my gloves hand. To the middle of his hand.

"You are a snow storm" I tell him "The storm comes within" I point towards his heart. "You must stay calm at all time in the beginning. It gets easier as time goes on but you still have to hold on to control. I almost have mastered control and I still slip sometimes"

I crouch down to be eye level with him as his mom stares at us curiously.

"You just have to keep your gloves on till you can control. Your a snow storm, so you don't have to wear gloves all the time"

"Then what is your power that your still wearing gloves?"

I smile at him "I have a special gift and sometimes I slip so I just keep wearing them"

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