Just the Beginning

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Chapter Two

Chandlers POV

As soon as the wedding ends I made my way to Tammy, she is standing beside Ashley one of the bridesmaids talking. Sean had chose me to be a groomsmen, which was okay. The bridesmaid dress looked very skimpy on Tammy.

“Tammy!” I tap her arm.

“Hey!” she says practically throwing herself on me her chest bouncing up and down her bone straight brown hair flying everywhere.

“It’s been a while.” I say getting my flirt face on ready to take her home after the reception. 

“But not too long to... You know.” She says smiling flirtatiously.  The ceromony has pretty much ended and everyone is making their way to the reception. 

“No matter how much makeup and hairspray you’re still the same Tammy.” I say as we walk to our cars.

“Glad you know that.” She says smugly. as we approach my car

“Wow you have a Porsche!” she says as I hit the button on my keys to unlock the door.

“I have a lot to offer you don’t know about.” I say smirking; she opens my passenger door. 

“I'm riding with you!” Sam spots us from across the grass with Tammy he points and laughs. I receive a text only seconds later.

Sam: Did you lose the bet yet?

Chandler: I'm not going to lose the bet!

“I saw you in a magazine.” She says “God it must be tough the paparazzi following you everywhere.” She starts rubbing my hand her nails tickling my skin.

“You get used to it after a while; I’m one of the most famous guys in America so I'm not complaining. Besides it has its many perks,” I say winking at her.


Even though she's Tammy, the devils helper, we hung out for the rest of the night; the couple had their first dance, while Tammy and I shared out first drinks. Sam came over with Brittany, Griffin, and Ashley. Sam is like me, not much of the marrying type, he had one serious girlfriend and broke up with her for some trashy sex. I couldn't blame him though, he a man and if you don't give it you gotta get it from someone else. 

“Another drink?” I ask and Tammy nods her head drunk, I am totally hammeredas well. I was not thinking straight, as 'mI was walking back to the bar, my vision blurs and I accidentally ram into a girl.

“You douche bag!” her voiced slurred, “you made me spill my beer.” She was so drunk, he almost fell trying to yell at me. I catch her before she hits the ground. She's beautiful, he had dark mystical blue eyes, blonde long hair, and I’m sure those are double D’s.

“I’m sorry princess.” I say looking right down her shirt.

“You’re my prince charming.” She says, as I hold her in my arms, the room is spinning around me and I can’t really see clearly.

“That’s it.” I say, my hand somehow finds the ring I tucked earlier in my pocket, “Were gonna get married!”

“I love weddings!” her drunken voice slurs. “There’s a wedding chapel in the hotel.”

“I’m in love with you!” I say

“I love you too!!” she whispers loudly, I don’t know how but we start making out. I manage to see Tammy from the corner of my eye, looking furious!

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