He Spends a Day alone with the Baby

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<Their POV>
Percy Jackson- It was the first day  I would be alone with Alyssa. 
"Bye Percy." F/N said with a smile.
"Bye F/N." I said and kissed her cheek.
She shut the door and I walked upstairs to see Alyssa smiling.
"Hi Alyssa." I said with a smile and picked her up.
"Let's get you something to eat." I said and walked downstairs carrying her. I walked to the kitchen and warmed a bottle for her.
"Waaaah!! Waaaah!! Waahhh!! Waaah!!"'Alyssa cried.
"Shhh shhh shhh it will be okay here's your bottle." I said and rocked her.
She stopped crying and she started to drift off sleeping.

Jason Grace- F/N left for work and today was the first day I would be spending alone with Ciel.
I went to check on Ciel and I found him sleeping. 
"This might be an easy day." I thought. 
I walked downstairs and began to prepare a bottle for when Ciel wakes up.
"Waaaah wahhh wahhhh!" I heard.
I raced to Ciel  and saw him crying.
"Ciel it will be okay." I said and rocked him.
I looked at Ciel and I made a funny face and he started to laugh. 
"There see it's all good." I said.
I walked downstairs and I put on a kids channel and I sat in the rocking chair and started to rock him.
"Are you hungry?" I asked.
"Let's go get your bottle." I said with a smile.

Leo Valdez- It was my day alone with the twins.
I began walking upstairs and I saw Selah and Sammy looking at each other through the crib.
"Okay twins tomorrow you will get to see Lily Piper's and Jason's baby so let's have an easy day." I said with a smile.
They began to laugh. "Nothing is easy with you two because you two are double trouble." I said playfully.
"Okay so Mommy wants us to  pick out your outfit for tomorrow so I'll do that and you two can go in the playing area." I said and picked them up and placed them in the playing area.
I went into their closet and picked out a red dress for Selah and red t shirt and jeans for Sammy.
"Perfecto." I said.
"I know F/N wants me to teach them Spanish so I'll try my best.
"Selah Sammy bien." I said.
They smiled and continued to play.
"I'll teach you to Spanish tomorrow." I said with a smile.
I sat next to them and I began to play with them.
"I love my twins." I thought.

Frank Zhang- I was watching TV waiting for Chase to awake. Since I was alone with Chase today. 
"Wahhh wahhh wahhh!" Chase cried.
I ran upstairs and saw Chase crying.
I picked him up.
"It will be okay shhh shh." I said and rocked him.
I looked over and grabbed a rattle and it made noise.
Chase smiled and laugh. 
I smiled and laughed  and shook the rattle again.  

Nico- It was my first day alone with Noelle.  As F/N went to work today and I was working at home today.
I began to start some work just designing a plan for a house.
"Waaah wahhhh wahhhhh!" Noelle cried.
I ran to Noelle and I picked her up and rocked her.
"Noelle everything will be alright." I said.
She smiled.
"Want to help Daddy with my work?" I asked with a smile.
Noelle smiled.
"I'll take that as a yes." I said.
We arrived at my studio.
"I draw houses." I said.
"Ga." She said.
"Soon you will be able to speak and soon we will get to see what powers you have." I said with a smile.

Luke- I was spending the day alone with Micah.
I walked upstairs holding his breakfast bottle  and saw Micah smiling.
"Time to eat." I said and held Micah and started to feed him.
His little hands tried to hold the bottle.
Micah finished the bottle and smiled.
I began to pat Micah on the back till he burped.
"Wahhh wahhh wahh!" Micah cried.
"Shhh shhh shhh." I said and rocked him.
"Here let's play a game." I said.
"I spy with my little eye something blue." I said.
Micah looked up and pointed to the sky.
"Correct you are so smart." I said and hugged him.

Octavian- It was my first day completely alone with Camila.
I prepared a bottle for her and walked to her room.
I saw her playing with her stuffed wolf.
"It's time to eat Camila." I said with a smile.
She smiled and looked at me.
I walked over to her and picked her up and started to feed her.
"You are a very smart baby." I said.
I started to pat her back until she burped.
"Let's play with the blocks." I said.
I put her on the mat and I laid the blocks with shapes in front of her.
"See these have letters and with letters you make words that you write with." I said.
She looked and picked up a block.
"That's the letter a you can use a just as a or in apple." I said. 
She smiled and clapped.
"You are such a smart baby." I stated proudly.

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