Chapter 3

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Mother: "Johnny I'm sorry I slept with someone that is not your dad 23 years ago. 

And that person is your real father."

Johnny: "Mum, what rubbish! How could you! How am I to deal with this?! You should be hanged!"

Mother: "I am sorry baby, he was my first love and i could not marry him... Cause we are of different religion. He is on the phone at the moment and wants to speak with his son for the first time ever."

Johnny: "No I am speaking to no one. Mr Jackson Omollo is the only father I know and that will never change!"

Mother: "Please don't be so upset. Just talk to him."

Johnny: "Ok, I will give him a piece of my mind!"

Phone: "Morning Son, I am Bill Gates. I am your real father."

Johnny: "Dad! Dad!! Dad!!! Thank God! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Thank God!!!!!! I Love you so much Dad!!!!! I always knew there was something special about me."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a blonde goes into a pizza place, and orders a pizza. The cashier says,"do u want it cut in 6 slices or 12?" She replies"6, I dont think I can eat 12."


I don't understand fast food. I've been eating it for years but I seem to be getting slower and slower.


I'm watching my wedding video backwards, and loving the part where I take my ring off, go back down the aisle and run off with my friends..



Define FACEBOOK..??







The second most popular

word that starts with

F and ends with K ..!!


Alcohol is not in my vodkabulary. However, I looked it up on whiskeypedia and learned if you drink too much of it, it's likely tequilya.


Son: "Dad, what's the difference between confident & confidential?" Dad: "U are my son, I am confident. Your friend Timmy is also my son. That's confidential."


This is a strange country we live in. When it comes to electing a president, we get 2 choices. But when we have to select a Miss America, we get 50.


Hope you guys enjoyed it!!



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