chapter 2

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June's POV

In the morning, I got up tired and sulky, then I remembered the new boy was supposed to be here today. I had a nice warm shower and washed my hair. I did my hair and makeup especially well so I could look good, I mean, I did want to impress. I had a nice fulfilling breakfast so I wouldn't have pig out in front of him and made my way to school, I did my usual routine, met Ruby and Kate at the tram stop, got to school dry this time because we all remembered umbrellas and this time we sung 'under my umbrella' by Rihanna  and finally got to school. We got to class early to see if the new boy was there, no such luck, so me and all the single girls in our group went around the school to check all the year 11 class to see if he was there, we had just finished the last class.

"what if he's late? Why would he come early if he had no one to hang out with?" Julie thought

"true? What class do we have next?" I asked

"art," Julie, Kate and Kylie all said at the same time

"coolies, could we get there early?"

"you're really looking forward to meeting this new guy aren't you, June?" asked Kylie

"haha yeah, we can all tell she did her hair and makeup better then usual!" added Kate

"sure, guys, sure," I said sarcastically

"'k guys let's just get to class," I said quickly trying to change the topic; so I wanted to look special for the new guy, so what? If he was cute then I would defiantly regret looking like a slob, but I new I had no chance compared to Kylie.

In art I sat next t Julie, Kylie was one seat over from me, Ruby next to her then Ashely then Lola and Kate sat next to Julie. I was kinda hoping the new boy would be in my art class so I could impress him ;) then the teacher came in.

"alright class, two things," she said "first, today we will be doing portraits," I learnt from last time and did my yessssss silently, "but not of your selves, I will partner you up," a nawwwwww came from the class, we never got to pick our own partners. "secondly, we will be welcoming a new boy to our class today, a Mr Harry Styles." she finished as the new boy, I mean Harry, walked in. He was cute, short curly hair and bright green eyes. Typical, he sat between me and Kylie, as I said before, all the boys wanted Kylie. But then he turned around and winked at me. 'Oh god,' I thought as I blushed and sank into my seat, 'not again!'

"okay kids the partners will be,

Elliot with Ruby,

Lola with John

Kylie with Ashely

Kate with Julie

Max with" 'oh god I hope it's not me'

" Laura" 'yes! Laura was mean but funny, she had no friends in this class though so she was usually hanging with the boys

"and lastly, June with Harry, now get to work class," 'score!' I thought to my self

"hey are you June?" Harry asked me

"yeah, I'll show you where to get the paper and pencils," I said as I winked at Julie who was giving me funny looks

"here," I said handing him a pencil, eraser, sharpener and paper whilst I sat down "I got one just for you!" I smiled,

"Thanks!" he laughed and sat down directly in front of me and I started to sketch, "I'm not exactly good at this, that's why I'm taking this class," I giggled

"well you can learn from the master, how bout you do what you can and when we're finished we can show each other and I'll show you what you should learn,"

"cool," he said and started to draw, " so what's this school like?" he asked

"boring, like every other school," he laughed, he had a cute laugh

"it's not that bad," he said "cute girls," I blushed

"haha," I said sarcastically

"have you finished?" he asked

"yep," I replied "3, 2, 1," and we showed each other the drawings. His looked like a stick figure with curly hair, mine was a little more detailed

"wow, that's really good!" he complemented

"haha thanks, it takes practice, the one thing you need to know, draw what you see not what you think,"


"ok let's try again, this time take your time,"

It took a few minutes but eventually he got the hang of it, well when I say the hang of it I mean he wasn't drawing stick figures, he was cute but I had a feeling he didn't like me, no boys like me. As he was drawing he smiled at my, it made my heart melt, I wish he liked me, I really did.

"He is cute! You were so lucky being paired with him!" said Ashely

"yeah, I don't think he likes me though,"

"he so does, he was smiling at you the whole time!"


"look he's over there, I'll ask him,"


"yessss I won't tell him you like him, i'll do it discretely!" 

"is there anything to do that will make you not?"

"nope! And here's Julie, you can talk to her while I ask him,"

"whatever," I sighed

"you tots like him!" said Julie "I can see it in the way you look at him!"

"haha, do not!" I argued

"sure, I'm sure you would of out hearts around the drawing of him if you could!"

"shhhhhhh, I need to hear something!"

"Eaves dropping are we?"


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