chapter 1

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Chapter 1

June's POV

Getting up for school was a drag. I lived so far from school I had to get up at 6:00, have a shower, get dressed, get my stuff and get on the tram for ages. Mum was always nagging about, well, everything and I could only take in a few things at a time so I usually got out my sketch book, iPhone and headphones to escape to my world before taking off to school. I was an only child and my mum and dad were divorced. I had no one to hang out with after school. I was listening to lady gaga (yes I do like her. I'm outgoing AND different, okay?) while sketching the usual depressing stuff, severed heads, ghosts, demons and people dreading others deaths. I wasn't depressed, these things just interested me.

I got on the tram to people staring at my drawings, older ladies gasping whilst boys and teenagers smirked. I didn't care, I got that a lot, even from my friends. I got so into my drawings I didn't even know my stop came. But when it did I was happily greeted by my friends as I snuck my sketch book back into my bag. Kate and Ruby always waited for me. We were besties but it wasn't just us that we were friends with, there was Lola (who was rude sometimes) Julie (she wasn't as popular as some of them but she was my favorite) we also hung out with boys but only the ones that would; Max, Eliot & John. They weren't particularity cute or funny but they were nice and Max was pretty tough. We walked to school talking about nothingness. That's what I liked about my friends we could talk about the randomest things but we would still always have a laugh. We got halfway down the street and it started pouring down so we started to sing "singing in the rain" and dancing but the people around  us weren't so impressed. Kylie greeted us at the school, she always got the guys. Being asked out all the time but honestly I didn't understand why, she wasn't that pretty or smart but she was a bit of a show off. She was nice though and that's why we were friends. I had never had a boy friend, she hadn't either but she's been asked many times before. Really in just not the kinda person to get into a relationship. It's not that I'm a nerd and 'I needa focus on my work,' I hardly ever even done my homework. I was always good like that; I can easily make up excuses and lie to my teachers, I just had never been the kind of girl a boy would like. I am a hopeless romantic though, I just don't show it on the outside, my mum doesn't even know.

Once we got into class Max started talking to us. He always had crushes on the wrong girls, mostly Ruby and Kylie. I don't understand why, Kylie was kinda a gold digger and Ruby was the biggest Tom boy ever, always hitting people and she loved sport (she wasn't that great at it though!), but this time he seemed to be looking at my direction, I tried to not my eye contact, that's how I usually reacted to awkward moments.

"Hey guys did you do your French homework?" I asked

"Nah" Replied Kate

"Tut tut Kate, I expected more from you," Said Kylie

"So you did it?" I said

"Yeah," replied Kylie

"cool, I need someone to copy off of!" I added cheekily

"haha nice" Kate complemented whilst giving me a high five

"yeah I didn't do mine either," interrupted Max

"yeah so how you gonna get out of it?" added Ruby after she finished checking out Elliot

"well I could use some help, ladies,"

"yer on yer own there!" said Kylie just as Julie walked in

"Julie, hey!" I welcomed

"hey June," (that was my nick name) she said and sat down on he table next to me

"did you finish your French home work? Cos if you haven't Kylie's is free to copy off!" I joked

Then the teacher shuffled in with all of her notes and sat down as we leapt back into our seats. Our first class was digital tech, one of my favorite classes, it was all about how to make things through our iPads. I loved using the drawing apps and you can probably tell why. we were doing comics so there are lots of fight scenes for me to draw. After a few minutes of wondering what we would be doing the teacher finally started the lesson

"hush hush kids," she said as Julie mouthed 'she speaks!' "today we will be working on actual comic book, to be persist a horror comic strip!" there was a whole lot of cheers from the room "settle, seeeettle," she spoke to us as if we were dogs "now, we are doing this activity because it's very hard to project fear through drawings, this means no iPads today,"

I guess I was the only one to say yesssssss! Because now all the eyes in the class were on me. I blushed and sunk back into my seat. Once the teacher had given us our sheets of paper people started scribbling down ideas, I had mine easily; possessed girl. Oh the joy, finally something I'm good at! I was hoping my friends would realize that I had a skill as well as them, the only thing they thought I was good at was sticking up for myself and confronting people. I couldn't wait to show of my stuff, I had just finished my plan when the bell rang for recess. I grabbed an apple and headed to the table my friends and me always sat at. We were just gossiping when Ashely appeared.

"wazzup mah sista?" I greeted her

"nothin other then, I'm organizing MY PARTY!!!"

"eeeeeeeee!!!!!!" we all cheered

"CAN'T WAIT!!!" Kylie added

"same!" I agreed

"so," Ashely said while taking her seat "what are you girls talking 'bout?"

"Well," Ruby started " we heard there might be a new boy at the school in our year and we were discussing 'potential boyfriends',"

"wooooooooo" we all recited

"well I'm out," said Ruby "you know I'm waiting for Elliot to-"

"propose!" I butted in

"haha" she said sarcastically

"well I'm out to," lola sighed "I could never let down John,"

"ahhhh yes, the boy conundrum!" pondered Julie "Next you'll be leaving our boy talk, June!"

"what? Why me?!"

"Oh come on, everyone knows that Max got the hots for you!" teased Kylie

"yeah does that mean I have them for him?!" I argued

"no, but that doesn't mean it's not fun teasing you!" giggled Ashely

"uh-hu, it's nice to know you guys know you guys care so much about me!"

"yep, that's why we decided to hook you guys up!" cheekily added Julie


"don't do what?" Max again interrupted

"uh nothing..... Nothing at all," I lied

"oh June don't be modest," Ruby said as I gave her a death glare"she was just saying she's really looking forward to meeting the new boy that's gonna be in our grade,"

"oh.... Yeah... Cool....." max said disappointedly "guess I'll see you later then, by June,"

I waved and turned around to kick Ruby in the shins

"I god I thought you were actually gonna-"

"ouch! JUNE!"

"Karma," I giggled as we got back to gossip, the rest of the day was a blur, I was just thinking 'who will this boy be? What will he be like?' I was thinking this even by the time I was in bed, looking at my roof my hands place behind my head. I couldn't help it, I was so curious.

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