Help of a Friend

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In quick embarrassment Jeanne got to her feet, brushing off her dress before bowing in apology. "I-I am so terribly sorry, I was not paying atten-" she broke off her sentence as Vanitas pushed his way past her.

"Does he really not want to see me that much..." Jeanne mumbled to herself as she felt her heart crumble into a million pieces. She wanted to reach out, to grab him and never let him go. She loved him, and there was no getting over him for her.

As Jeanne sat on the ground in tears, she gathered a huge audience. She didn't care though. Not after what had happened.

"It hurts to see you like this, Jeanne." Came a familiar voice.

Jeanne quickly looked up to see Noé and Murr standing before her. Taking the hand he offered to her, he gingerly lifted her up from the dirty pavements of Paris.

"Noé I-" Jeanne started before Noé cut her off.

"I know, Jeanne. Let's go somewhere more private and talk." He said leading her away as he still held gently on to her hand.

They made their way back to the hotel that Noé and Vanitas shared, assuring her that Vanitas was to busy to bother coming back until later.

"So you already know everything?" Jeanne said as she sat upon Noé's bed. She pulled out the baked pastries she had bought and offered him some as a thanks.

"Yeah. It tore Vanitas apart, though he chooses not to show it." Noé said as he took a small cake from the box.

"What do you mean "tore Vanitas apart?" All he does is act coldly around me! He doesn't even care anymore!" Jeanne started shouting without realizing.

"Well, Vanitas for starters, hasn't exactly been his usual self. He looks to be more angry than usual, but I can tell that he hurts inside even though he doesn't show it."

"What does he have to be hurt about?!" Jeanne spat, "He had his choice! I told that human I loved him!"

Noé looked to her in sorrow, "I realize he has no right to be hurt, but Vanitas once told me that he didn't like people who would ever like him." Noé said with a bit of disgust. How horrible could Vanitas possibly get?

"He always treated me kindly and with respect. He let me mark him, let me drink his blood. He always shared his ridiculous future with me about how we would get married, and then spout out things about love. Then he tells you that "he doesn't like people who like him back!?" Jeanne shouted again about in tears. It was getting ridiculous.

"It doesn't make any sense to me either, and I can't speak for Vanitas about this. The only way to find the answer and make this right is to ask him." Noé said as he finished the last pastry without realizing it.

"You are right. I need to get myself together and stand up to Vanitas. I need to fix things." She said getting to her feet. "Thank you so much Noé! Please let me know if you ever need help with anything in the future, and I will be glad to help."

"You are welcome, Jeanne, and thank you." Noé said as Jeanne left to head back to the manor.

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