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   I sat at the pier with Oakley, fishing rod in hand. He had put the worm on for me, and we had already cast out our lines. We sat in silence, waiting eagerly for a fish. After a few minutes, Oakley broke the silence. "How was your aunt?" He chuckled. "She was nice. Nice house, she seems like a sweet lady." I answered.
"I don't know about those Rockies boys though."
Oakley looks like he was about to say something, then I felt a tug at my line. "A fish!"
I quickly reeled in, pulling my prize up to the pier. It was a small crappie, nowhere near large enough to eat. "I caught it!" We laughed at its size, throwing it back in the water. I looked him in the eye and smiled. He smiled back. What is this feeling...
   My thoughts were interrupted by yet another tug on my line. I reeled in, yanking my pole up. I reeled and reeled, the fish eventually pulling me into the water. "W-Woah!" I shouted, plunging in to the icy cold waters of the lake. "Autumn!" Oakley exclaimed. He jumped in and pulled me up, swimming back to shore. "You ok?"
"I'm fine, just a little cold. Sorry about your rod. It was a big fish."
"It's alright, I have quite a few rods. It didn't mean much to me. I'm just glad you're ok. We should probably go get dried off."
"Yea, I guess I'm going to go home. I had fun! Bye Oakley."
"Heh, I sure did. Bye Autumn. Have a nice day." I waved goodbye to Oakley, heading off toward home. What was Caroline gonna think when I got home all soaking wet? Maybe she'll be gone to the store or something. Welp, she can't kill me. Hopefully.

Look I'm sorry for this being short, and not posting much, but if there's not another up tomorrow, just spam me with messages until I write it. Bye you wonderful people, stay awesome!

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