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Baker stared at me, smirk still on his face. He grabbed the dog out of my arms, and threw it down. "Hey! You leave the poor dog alone!" I yelled. "It hasn't done anything to you!"
"B*tch, this is my dog, ain't your problem. I'll do what I want with the mutt." Somehow, my fears just left me. I punched him straight in the face, knocking him over. His brothers instantly looked over, and charged at me. "WOAH BOY!" I yelled. I ran off in the other direction, legs moving as fast as possible. I didn't stop, then realizing I was completely lost. Smart move Autumn. Now what are you going to do?

   I wandered around, regretting I left my phone at home. As I walked farther down the unfamiliar street, smells of the lake started to fill my nostrils. The lake?  Maybe I could find where I am from there. I headed towards the scent, the lake water smell getting stronger. I saw the dazzling lake, moon beams reflecting off of it. It was beautiful, but I had to get home. I recognized the pier that I sat on a while earlier, now knowing where I was going. I sprinted to the house, running up the porch steps, then knocked on the door. Caroline was there instantly, and she let me in.
"We didn't really get to talk  earlier......Welcome to Guntersville?"
"Uhhh thanks. This is awkward, and I need sleep. Where's my bedroom?"
"Oh......uhh.....upstairs. First room on the right. Sleep good I guess......."
"Goodnight then." I walked off to bed.

Sorry about the short chapter, I got lazy .__. Have an awesome day! (or night, depending on when you read this) Still, awesome. Bye!

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