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   Caroline came out of her room, dog in her arms. It was no longer bloody, the only thing that you could see was it's torn ear.
"Is it ok?" I asked.
"It should be fine, I fixed up its cuts."
"Who does it belong to?"
"The tag says Baker Rockie."
R-Rockie? The Rockies Boy's? This ain't good. She handed me the dog and spoke.
"You need to get a feel for the town. You should go give it to them. They probably miss it."
   I was shaking, but I pet the dog. It still looked scared. I don't quite think this dog likes him either. Was it Baker who did this to it?
"What are you waiting on Autumn? He's probably wondering where his dog is."
"S-sorry ma'am. I'll go."
   I smiled and walked out, still scared. Would they hurt me? What would happen if they did? What's their family like? Are they mean too? All these questions floated through my head as I arrived at the address the dog's tag had said. It was a run-down wooden house, basically a shack. Two of the boys I had seen at the pier were in the yard, wrestling with each other. I took a deep breath, and walked up to the barbed wire fence.
"H-Hello?" I whimpered.
One of the boys ran up, seeing the dog. "Just a sec." He was younger, I hadn't seen him on the pier. Maybe 5 or 6? He came back with the boy I assumed to be Baker. He walked up, smirk and all.
"So we meet again, little brat." Those words angered me, my fear somehow gone.
"Brought your dog, dipstick. Thought you might like it. Use it to track other kids?"

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