The end..

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After a painful couple of calls with fellow drag queens and friends of mine and Danny's, it was time to ring Shane. I tried calling Shane first but he didn't pick up so now I have the hardest call to make last. I could hear Bonnie crying down the phone to relatives which made things worse so I stepped outside. Shane finally picked up. "Shane I have terrible news, Danny has passed away." There was silence on the phone. I could hear distant sobs and sniffles and then he came back to the phone, "I'm sorry Roy" that's all he could manage to say. I explain what happened and that the funeral will be held in Azusa in a weeks time. "Some of Danny's organs are being donated but his remains will be cremated and given to Bonnie." I explained. Shane is clearly shocked and struggling to find the words to speak so he ends the call with, "I'm really sorry, I'll see you at the funeral. Again, sorry."

A week had passed and I've been staying with Bonnie, it was comforting to see the whole family come together in this difficult time. We all arrive at the funeral and I can't describe the feelings I'm having, I feel lost without Danny but a part of me is refusing to accept he is really gone. As I see the priest at the front of the room and the guests all painted with mourning faces it starts to sink in. The funeral would be a straight forward, simple ceremony, more of a formality. The reception was where we would really celebrate Danny's life.

The ceremony had began and the place is packed! Fans of Adore had travelled from different states which his family didn't mind, it was nice to see how loved Danny was. A couple of his old school friends gave a speech as well as some distant relatives. It was then time for Bonnie to receive Danny's ashes. She edges forward towards the priest, clearly trembling from nerves and sadness. The priest hands over the wooden box with Danny's name on, decorated beautifully. He then hands over a separate little bottle with a few ashes in, that causes some confused faces.

Bonnie turns to face me, "this bottle is for you Roy, I thought you might want Danny with you wherever you go." Tears well up my eyes, what a lovely gesture! I run over to Bonnie and give her the biggest hug. I accept the ashes and soon after the ceremony ends I head to the town centre, I have an idea.

2 hours later the reception is beginning in Danny's family home, everyone has gotten changed into bright colours and there's a pizza buffet! We are here to celebrate the amazing life Danny had. There's even drag queens scheduled to perform! As soon as I walk into the room there's gasps and a few 'aww's from guests. Around my neck was Danny's wedding ring, linked to a chain. Bonnie came up to me and began to cry as she gave the ring a closer inspection. Using Danny's ashes, I had gotten carved onto it, "Roy Haylock & Daniel Anthony Noriega."

The night went better than expected, we even had to order more pizza! The local drag queens shared their best memories of Danny and lip synced to songs by Adore. Shane pulled me into the centre of the room as we danced to 'Party.' If Danny was here now he would be laughing at his older relatives wincing every time he swore in the song. Oh shit. Danny's not here. He won't ever be here again. The realisation hits me and I run outside, Shane runs after me.

"I miss him so much Shane, I just want him back" I sob. Shane lends me his shoulder and wraps his arm around me, "he's still here in spirit" he tries to reassure but being there in spirit is such a difference from actually being here. I don't know how much time had passed before I lift my head up from Shane's shoulder, "I think I should go back inside."

The atmosphere inside was.. weird. Everyone seemed to be having a good time but you could sense the sadness in the air, which is to be expected. Bonnie is quite drunk now and is going person to person shouting, "party!" With a mouth full of pizza. Danny has left such an impact on this world and even though he's no longer with us, I just know he will be looking down and laughing right now. He is my one true love and always will be, it's going to be hard getting through life without him but as I look around me I can see that his family will all stick with me and help each other through it all.

Shane comes up behind me, handing me a martini and a plate full of pizza, "So are you going to say a speech?" He asks. "I want to but I don't know what to say, I feel like I've said everything a million times over, you know the whole 'I'll miss you, Danny was great' and I don't want to put a downer on things, I want to keep this a celebration and light hearted." I have no idea what I could talk about but luckily Shane does. "You could start from the beginning!" He exclaims, "you know, before you guys even knew you felt the same about each other. That's light hearted, for the most part." He was right that would be a good speech, "Okay lets do it!" I gather everyone's attention, "Okay everyone it's speech time. Shane gave me the brilliant idea to tell a story for my speech, from start to finish so be warned, it's long! Here goes nothing," I clear my throat, "the story I'm going to tell you all is our story, the story of Biadore."

So here we are. I'm sorry if the speech was long and boring at times, even a little bit sad. Our story definitely had its low points but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so glad that I got to share my life with Danny, a wonderful human being. He will always be a very big part of me and hold a special place in my heart, as will you all. Our story may have ended but it is a story I will repeat for the rest of my life, so be prepared to know it word for word soon! Thank you for your time and I hope you all enjoy the rest of the evening. Danny if you're listening, my chola, I love you. Anyway that's enough from me I'm sure this speech has went on long enough! Let's get back to celebrating and in the words of Danny, PARTY!

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