Breaking news..

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"Breaking news. Flight number 201 flying from Newark airport to Brackett Field airport had to make an emergency crash landing on a highway in Denver, Colorado due to engine failure." That was Danny's flight. Shit shit shit. I pace my room back and forth wondering what to do. I realise there's nothing I can do at the moment but watch the news and find out what's going on.

"The death toll is currently at 3 on impact with 7 people critically injured being treated in the local hospital. Names unconfirmed." My heart is beating out of my chest, I need to call Danny's mom. "Hey Bonnie it's Roy have you seen the news?" Bonnie immediately sounded worried, "No what's happened?" Fuck now I had to tell her. Bonnie cried out after I told her, she sounded like her world had been torn apart. "I need to know if my son is okay. I need to know." My breathing was getting quicker now, realising that Danny could be severely injured or worse, dead. My future husband could be dead.

Realising there was nothing I could do, I decide to keep my phone on loud in case anyone had news about Danny. I also keep the news on. I try to move off of the sofa but to no avail, my eyes were stuck to the tv. 4 hours pass but no new information has came up, until now. "We have further reports on the casualties. The names of the 3 victims that have died are Josh Parker, Jack Jones and Danny-" my eyes widen and I feel my heart jump into my throat. "Danny Vice." What a relief! Well.. it's still awfully sad for the people and their families but at least my Danny was still alive. "We also have names for 2 of the critically injured. Paul Danaher from The Bronx and Danny Noriega from Azusa."

I freeze. My breathing is very quick now, I'm finding it hard to catch my breath. My phone rings and brings me back to reality, it's Bonnie. "Roy! I have to get to Denver. Now. Now. Now" that was the end of the call. I knew I had to get there too, who knows if Danny's going to make it.

I grab my keys and rush out of my apartment. I hail a cab to take me straight to the airport. A flight to Colorado was due to leave in half an hour, I had to make it. Sprinting faster than I ever thought I could run, I made it to the gate. It was closed. "Please ma'am I need to be on this flight, my boyfri-" I get cut off. "Oh I know who you are, Bianca Del Rio! Can I have your autograph?" The attendant asked, choosing to ignore my desperation. I did not want to give my autograph at this moment in time but then I had an idea. "I'll give you my autograph if you open the gate and let me on this flight." I demanded. The attendant agreed and with that I boarded the flight.

4 hours later I arrive at the hospital Danny is being treated in. I approach an older looking nurse and explain the situation. A frown appears on the nurses face as he gestures for me to sit down. Fuck. He stutters as he gains the courage to speak, "Roy, I'm afraid I have some bad news."

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