The suprise..

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It's been a couple of days since I arrived home and Danny's still here. We've spent the days watching old movies and Danny's been working on a new song, he says he wants to sing it for me tonight. Little does he know tonight we will be boarding a plane for the big surprise I've been organising, with the help of Shane.

"Hey babe I know you want to sing me your new song tonight but can you wait? It's just I really want to take you out tonight." I expected Danny to be his stubborn little self and insist he sings it tonight but he was fine with it. "Ooo where are you taking me? You're so romantic lately! Where is the real Roy? I know you're a clone." Danny teased, as a consequence I nudged him on the arm but of course he over reacted. "Ouch! You've made my arm go all numb" typical Danny. I realised we have to get ready soon and go meet Shane, he'd travelled to New York to help me with the surprise trip, and that included keeping Danny busy. "Danny it's nearly time to leave are you ready?" I called into the bathroom. Out came Danny looking cool as ever, Black ripped jeans with a black vest and Doc Martins, topped off with his glasses. "I'm ready! Let's go."

5th Avenue was busier than usual today but we managed to find Shane, accompanied by Willam. Great. I liked Willam don't get me wrong, but he was like a toddler at times. "Ahhhh hi bitch!" Why's he so loud? He ran up to Danny and licked his face, that gained a few funny looks from people. "So where we going?" Shane asked, trying to calm Willam down. "Let's go to the park and see how many men we can lure, and then blow." Willams suggestion got ignored for obvious reasons and Danny suggested going to look in the Apple store. This was perfect because they know I don't have much of an interest in the newest tech, it gave me a chance to sneak off.

After watching Willam run around like a maniac taking photos on the phones for longer than we should have, Shane suggested they go watch a demonstration for the newest iPhone. This was my chance to leave. "Hey guys I'm not really into this stuff so I'm going to have a wander around some shops." Danny immediately wanted to tag along, "I'll come with you so you're not alone!" I gave a panicked look to Shane, not knowing how to say no. Luckily he knew what to do, "Danny, you're really going to leave me alone with him?" Pointing to Willam who was currently videoing himself grinding on the stool. "Good point, Roy will be fine he's an old, old, old, old, man" Danny said with a laugh, trying to be funny. I laughed in response but I had no time to be joking around, I had to leave.

I arrived back at my apartment and dragged out my suitcase that I'd managed to pack a few days prior, thanks to Danny's sleeping skills. I added a few bits and then started packing up his suitcase from what he brought to mine, I made sure all his clothes were washed yesterday so the process was quick. With the cases all packed I pulled them a couple of blocks down to outside Shane's hotel. Finding Shane's car I loaded the cases, due to him being very kind and borrowing me his car keys. With the preparation done I double checked I had our passports which luckily Danny keeps in the front pocket of his case. I text Shane letting him know everything was sorted and headed back to 5th Avenue.

By the time I got back, the demonstration had finished and the guys were outside the store eating corn dogs, except Shane, he's a vegan. "Hey Roy's back! Hi Roy!" Willam shouted, adding an overly friendly wave in my direction. "Hi Willam, you know I'm just here you don't have to shout" I replied, with a hint of maliciousness to my voice. Shane piped up to ease the tension, "Danny was telling us you're going on a date so I assume you'll want to wrap things up here and head on your way?" I could tell Shane was hinting that it was actually time we left, you always have to be a couple of hours early to an airport. We walked back to Shane's car and he drove.

The airport was in viewing distance now, I could tell Danny was getting suspicious. "Why are you taking me on a date to the airport? There's nothing nice to eat there it's all salad and sandwiches!" This kid is dumb, how can he not get it. "Well Danny, we are going on a date but it's kind of not in New York." Danny's jaw dropped as he realised we were going to be boarding a flight. "Where are we going Roy? It can't be for long I don't have my clothes!" I could tell Danny was confused so I decided to tell him. "Well you know how I won a trip for 2 to Hawaii on drag race? You're my plus one. Don't worry about your things they're in the back of the car, thanks to Shane's help." A huge smile spread across Danny's face, "I can't believe you hid this from me! Thank you! And thank you Shane you're such a great friend!" Danny squeezed me in a tight hug and leaned forward to grab hold of Shane.

We unloaded the car and said our goodbyes to Shane and Willam. "Have fun apartment sitting and Willam, please don't break anything or I'll break you." Willam didn't seem to care, "enjoy fucking in a bed full of other queens semen." Willams words made me squeam, he was right for once, all the other queens who've won the trip in the past have slept in the same room. Nevertheless Danny and I entered the airport and after a wait of 3 hours, we finally boarded the plane. Hawaii here we come.

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